wow for a board that could have gone to QQ this turned out sooooo funny and sooooo off topic.
I HATE the main website! The layout sucks its too crowded and messy now. I'm mixed about the forum though there IS too much while but i thought all the browns and blacks were too dark. forum really bland now too VERY generic.
I really dont think this is random either. I've played cleric and veno pretty reg. 1 to 80 another to 73. alot of the time specially in instance runs like bhs i pick up maybe 1 drop in the entire run and thats with boss drops. i'm about 99% sure its no based on damage because i've started clearing sometimes and there is…
THIS is what i think should be permited i see no reason why if a guild wants to hold an entire map why they cannot defend a good portion of the map.
Thats pretty much my point, no real events and im not against fash or anything but everything in moderation right? Thats normally the golden rule
I do see your point there EXCEPT this game is marketed as a F2P not P2P, and i'm not sure which method of charging you need to do but i've charged $50 muiltple times with the cards and i got now extra zen
Yeah but they have like 10 hp.... Don't suggest for low lvl pets unless you have bow because they will sped time chasing it aroundb:victory
I thought they were mythical creatures hmmmb:chuckle
hey, i came up with the storing idea too :) great minds think alike
I just did him twice just now and it worked :D
Well i'm not sure those that don't sell stuff reguarlly in a cat shop will care but i think that once you get everything set up in a catshop order of things prices the layout should be saved so long as the stuff doesn't get moved in the inventory. I find it a pain that my game randomly crashes or d/c for no reason and have…
Lvl 30 is the lowest lvl i would try with the worms they are still 3 sometimes 4 atks with my 47 sawfly but really boring
I def think it should be allowed because specially with the untamed limitations also i have one person that made a female because he liked the fash better. Also i have nothing against real **** either.
I thought they were gonna be able i mean seriously the meditate in a bubble of water kaaduurre sigh Devs are idiots sometimes.
I totally agree i have a friend that has does that and has one to sell stuff for him and there are times i leave it on overnight only to find out sometime in the night it d/c and i dont have time to lay it all out before work so i lose selling time grrr.