My hubby uses hotmail for his account and I use hotmail for one account and yahoo for another, we received all of our codes. On my hotmail account the code mail did end up in the spam folder (even though I have previously marked PWI mail as not being spam). So it could be that people who have more strict spam settings are…
NOOOOOO, you can't leave. I just starting stitching my Sir Cuddlesworth teddy bears. I finally found a pattern that would work for them. I was going to give you one. f:cry
Triple Spark>White Tea>Undine Strike>Soporific Whisper>Extreme Poison>BIDS f:laugh Cackle at smoldering hole were once stood a person
To answer your question... NO Unless you have found a way to get enough dex and strength from other items to not have to sacrifice any magic points your chance of winning is greatly decreased (though this method would cost more than R9). A pure mage wizard can one-two shot anyone in equal/lesser gear, killing them before…
I got the torrent to work, only took me about 3 1/2 hours to download it (thankfully). But I do have Windows 7. When I had the computer built I asked them to put 7 on it after reading all the horror stories about Windows 8. I'm more than willing to admit that I know nothing about computers and did not want to deal with the…
I'm having the same issue where it will not let me extract. My computer is brand new (just arrived today) and I'm getting the same error message as the op. If I use the torrent does that mean I won't have to extract, also is it safe? I have no virus protection on this computer and would be pissed if I got one from that…
It's possible that this name once belonged to another person and they deleted it allowing you to use the name; but the level they were when it was deleted remains the same instead or reverting back to level 2. I found that some things can carry over when a person deletes a character from their account; that happened with…
I had to laugh when I saw this because you just described my level 93 wizzie f:laugh though not +10 she does have +7 refine on belt, necklace and her headgear. Only reason I stopped at +7 on the necklace and belt is because I plan to upgrade them. But I am still working on the Warsoul weapon. Give me a couple more weeks…
Offensive much? Maybe you should reread what I wrote instead of just throwing out insults. You do take less damage when you have a higher defense, let me explain it to you using an example. When you have no defense levels say a person hits you and deals 1000 damage, then when you increase your defense level when they hit…
For my wizzie I'd like bare hands that just sparkle, no weapon visible it would look so much better when casting. Personally I'd prefer realistic weapon fashion: A rapier for seekers would look neat because their moves remind me of fencing. Other classes that use swords maybe have it look like a katana or something…
Yes, this would be great. Have an instance with different landscapes and depending where you are, you have to do different things. I think having a dance that requires using skills would be cool. You have an object we can target that is immune to damage and we have to choreograph a dance using attacks/buffs/skills. Some…
Having a safe zone would be good. I've said it before the best place to do it is that center platform. Just make it slightly larger and add an overseer there. Have that be the only spawn point. While on that platform you can not attack or be attacked (but can use buffs and apoths). To keep it from being abused a person can…
At least they used the search option. f:hehe Just do what HrunsPanda said, it will also cost you 500 coin to send mail so make sure you have coin in your bag or it won't send.
To change your skin to earthguard you need to change the ID and colors separately. You have to change all 3 of these individually. Also don't use the colors provided on the tideborn customization menu. Either make the color using the earthguard menu or pick the color you want from a color sheet. [Face] scaleFaceH = ###…
Tideborn skin has a natural blueish undertone. Any color you select will result in that. A way I found to combat that some is find the color I want then using gimp (or any art program you have) edit the color taking blue out of it. That will make it closer to the color you want, but will still have some blue tint to it.…
It's odd that your contribution is so low. I go to NW on my level 93 wizzie and I average about 6.5k contribution per night. Your higher level and obviously better geared but only getting 1.5k more than me, that doesn't seem right some how. I'm not sure what blessing your using, but I have Jones blessing. When you go with…
As someone who is not yet 100 (have a 93 wiz) I am not useless in NW. There have been several times when the opponent has dug the flag and I was the only one going after them. I have seen many 100+ players doing stupid things. If someone is **** up in NW it has nothing to do with their level, the player's just an idiot and…
1 People that think my Wizzie is a healer. I can click Morning Dew then go to the kitchen, grab something to eat and when I come back I'd still be channeling and your dead. 2 People who push me to level. I don't want to power level, I like leveling the slow way through questing. Seriously if I had 1 gold for every time…
Sleep with them so I could get full R9.3 +12 f:sneaky
I have a bit of OCD and it just bothers me learning my skills out of order. I've learned all the 89 skills except that one. I'm 92 now and am starting to learn those skills (ran out of spirit after my 3 masteries). I know I've wasted well over 50 mil trying to make that skill book. I don't understand why they make it so…
Whoever made that video, I want their computer. b:dirty If I tried playing around that many people with my setting that high, my screen would go black and a message would pop up from my computer saying "lady, your crazy if you think I'm doing that". b:laugh
YES!!!! As a wizard I can say I really hate those shrubs. Nothing worse than using distance shrink to get away from someone only to get stuck in a stupid bush b:angry And once you get stuck it takes forever to get out.
I don't think letting people squad before hand works and not just because it creates unbalance by letting a bunch of op players into one nation; but it also makes it harder to work together. This is something that happened a couple weeks ago with me: I ended up in a battle with 4 on our side and 1 on the opponent. He was…
Barb in a there is an image I did not need. b:shocked That will give you nightmares.
If you are getting a redirect error when you try to submit a ticket your only option is to send them an email. For whatever reason some accounts will glitch making it so you cannot access the ticket support page. It does not matter what browser you use or how many times you clear your cookies and caches. And as far as I…
Something I would love for female fashion is a long plain skirt. We do have a few long skirts but they all have patterns on them or can't be dyed properly because they have a set color scheme. I'd love to just have a long white skirt to mix with other tops. Like take the Ballroom Dress cut the bottom off and give that as a…
I have to call on you this, but by not kicking the person from your faction you ARE saying you approve of spawn killing. Each persons actions are a representation of your faction. What they do states what your faction stands for. That is why a faction needs to have clear rules on what the members can and cannot do. And the…
Exactly!! Just because you have played a few other classes doesn't mean playing another will be the same. Even with similar classes. I have a veno and when I started playing a mystic though they had a similar fighting style, there were some marked differences. Questing is not just there for you to level it helps you learn…
Our faction has this rule, we are not allowed to spawn kill in TW. The leader does not approve of that tactic. If you do spawn kill in TW you are banished. If a faction really did disapprove of TW spawn killing they would banish a person for doing it. By allowing the person to stay they are saying it is acceptable…
On Archosaur, they are even lower. Cannies are 10k or less Raptures are 45k or less