I love the link. I think I'll bookmark that. Not that the TWs are extremely relevant to me or anything... >_>
I feel used and mislead b:sad
Now I don't even remember whether or not I did see that post twice or if I had this page open in two different tabs b:beatup Anyway I get what you're saying. Its the same thing I said earlier. Make a chat room titled with the specific FB, BH, or even TT you're seeking and wait for people to show up. Of course then you have…
This is the 2nd time you've posted this same exact message. First time was in another thread. Spamming? I hope not.
*insert comment about moderators here* and I'm not even sure why I'm even on this forum. I should probly get back to my own. Or better yet, back the game. I got a lot of work to do b:surrender
Don't say I didn't warn you. I wouldn't be surprised if your IQ drops by 20 points and your rage meter gets maxed out. Either that or you laugh at just how full of themselves they are, and how unjustified their cockiness is.
I'd hate to kill the fun, but isn't this the topic here: Sure, insert your "GTFO noob" or whatever. But I don't get why every thread has to turn into a flame war/bashing session.
I joke. Raging Tide is a fail server rife with drama and fail. The players there are either throwbacks who couldn't make it on other servers, or noobs. You can tell just by looking at the RT forum that the people there are complete morons. Go have a look. On second thought, don't. I'd hate for the fail to rub off on anyone…
So, RT isn't a real server? I've been deceived!
Most fail faction leader? I would like to direct your attention to the factions of the Raging Tide server. Take your pick.
And I'm sure that people here aren't quite as full of themselves either. At least that is what I am hoping. We'll see.
Ugh. No this is NOT a dating thread. Just a place for introduce themselves. Primarily to me since I'm new here b:laugh
Alright, well see that simply won't do. I can understand the concept behind why a player would go with light armor, but its just common sense that it is a bad idea for a blademaster. Sure it offers great protection against wizards, psychics, and clerics, but BMs are a close range class and light armor puts them in a very…
And put the specific need as the topic. For example "Need BH59" or something like that.
I'm pretty sure I would ragequit at that point. I'm exaggerating though. Its just that west Arch lags so much. I never take the chance of maxing out my graphics anyway. I think the game looks pretty good otherwise.
Ah the streets of Lagosaur. Erm, Archosaur. I've yet to make it there (dude stop trolling the forums and level up?) but I'll get to witness all the glory of west district's 2fps soon enough. And sorry to disappoint but no this isn't a dating thread. Don't get any ideas either b:laugh By the way, did you happen to get your…
A light armor BM? You're joking, right?
I've seen some oddballs from time to time on the world chat. Overall I find it much less trifling than the stuff on RT though. Pardon me for comparing everything to that server by the way. Its just my way of relating. And there's nothing wrong with girl gamers. Guys are suckers for it b:mischievous
I wouldn't worry about it. At least it sounded a lot more like intelligent criticism then those on the RT forums would have replied with. Hence why I am here now and not there. I'm hoping that Dreamweaver isn't littered with as much as drama, immaturity, and stupidity as the server I just came from.
b:beatup I see it now. I apologize, I wasn't paying close enough attention. I like the page btw.
BeingHope on Raging Tide is attempting to do the same thing. I'll offer you the same advice I gave her: maintaining a guild list on the forums is a lot of work that could be saved by making a table or a chart on another site and posting the link here.
I'm on the verge of doing the same thing myself. Only instead of quitting altogether I decided to come to Dreamweaver. I hope I find more mature people here then there were on RT.