Sovy - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • rly nice talk bout genies, i use kinda same on my archer, was also wondering if there was a skill that take off sleep, looked for it but only saw one to make immune not to take it off:s
  • b:bye fiz
  • For first boss of nirvy am counting 6 normal second in my head and when i start saying the number7 I hit my spark key, guess its like 5 slow secs from Asterelle xD, but yeah it rly depend the squads and number of people in it, u often don't even see those boss do anything special^^ Just be carefull with the seals:) can be…
  • b:bye i should know this forum is useless, well guess i shouldn't get bored at work:P wonde why people have to think bout what u already have and not seeing in the future:p wake up from the past trolls and go ahead b:kiss
  • i was just thinking bout being able to tank other stuff that i can't now like some wb and tt3-3 bosses or stuff like that, both sin and archer were 100+ before i left, but sin do way more damage than archer so i obviously want to do pve with sin and not archer. But ya in tw its funnyer to play archer, that's why i want to…
  • not like those replys are interesting >.> Maybe those are my archer gear and i just got nirvy daggers new on it? I took a break during those cheap rank sale and rank9 medals with dq's and i came backin game like 3 weeks ago so ya i farmed my sin nirvy daggers rest of gears are old archer one's b:surrender Ur post make no…
  • hmmm power dash, i use it for pve: I need to tank a boss and keep agro and I'm full chi at begin, spark+wolf emblem+powerdash and here u have some nice damage to keep agro :p and yeah I rather always combine it with a spark, also use if u use genie skill damage it's great to have 70% chance of it to crit^^ It's a really…
  • b:shocked lol devoted that 's ebil! b:shocked never had probs with last boss but yeah always pulled on the ground and u got 30 sec before it explode so it's just easy b:thanks
  • b:bye killermate not teaching anything, and if i wanna farm my dagger I'll just go on my archer who actually got demon spark and not on a sin... and yup that lack of triple spark is b:angry but i still wanna see if later dagger or fist is better, my friend got 4atk sec normal with dagger, 5 with fist of course but well if…
  • mail just $$$ or a love letter is direct, but when u mail an item, the guy who carry the item from your mail box to your girl friend mail box will take the item, go take a cofee with your girlfriend and after one hour of sweet talking he 'll finaly give her the item b:cute
  • just said that u gota compare nirvanna dagger with interval that hit at 3.33 attack rate with those fist either yes wow tt100 do more damage... don't make the guy interesting with your game mechanics stuff when u compare a crappy lvl 85 weapon with a lvl 100 good weapon... your screenshot just show that this fist is better…
  • b:surrender cala crystal did not went down under 11.5m or I want vid, equinox was at 1m hp and all equinox was in the base so a little call to whype people hmmm u call it like u want:P b:laugh but yeah important is to have fun in tws b:pleased
  • lol he don't even wanna use those dagger later, and i hope he 'll keep changing those nirvanna fist xd stupid berserk then accuracy lol hopr he 'll get some better luck laterb:chuckle
  • lol that thread was just a big b:laugh to illy when your crystal go down to 1m hp is a chunk :P equinox was turtling b:chuckle then BB drank some scotch and decided to do a brain attack b:shocked he don't know there are european that wanna sleep QQ b:sad
  • if u are that rich just buy some rapture crystal and go for nirvanna dagger, your screenshot just don't prove anything, who'd compare damage of tt90 and tt100... Just go make screenshot with nirvanna dagger with same refine as tt 100 fist and with min strengh needed to wear your gear... but yeah tt 100 fist give a good…
  • nuuuh don''t make it bad chez know it's just teasing friendly and smiling b:chuckle I can qq for the war being to short yesterday too!!!b:angry b:laugh lols just have fun guys^^
  • just had fun reading and lols, don't u know that boss have only frontal aoe, look like a total fail group killing it b:surrender
  • b:laught there are no sumonobot in 3-2 and yes there is an anti-**** npc in each tt 3-x on deathflow that disapear after u kill dhjin just use f9 key and look in the room while the door is closed :P well not really important for the thread anyway...
  • but am I really bodine? thx now i got a new name for my psychicb:bye
  • TW is Death!!! gimme more cleric to eatb:angryb:pleased
  • where did I said I didn't used any oracle? and yes it was harder to lvl without those annyversary packs, without those bh, but hmmm the game is moving either u complain and leave the game either u go on with it... And no I don't cs, i got my money from my main, it's like 16 hyper stones just with tw pay for each week, but…
  • start your flaming... and common if u know this game it's easy to get in rb squads, it's easy to find good fc groups if u are a good player.... friendlist is here for that, U don't even have to know people before, there is just people who plays to muchb:surrender And yes I used token from my main to lvl to 70 there is no…