Yeah well, scythes are all cool and that, but they're already in game as "Poleweapon" ...
133 b:victory 10chars
Lights on, because the stalkers are our friends^^
Lol. What happens if WH 40k meets Alien vs. Predator and other sci-fi stuff? This. ^^ Well, I suggest you to send your idea to PWE directly, or so, since your idea doesn't really fit into the suggestion box of PWI...^^ Anyway good luck^^
Huh? What's your point? And Wolfster, bumping is all good and nice, but it doesn't look nice if others pass by and read the last post, maybe add anything "constructive" to pretend we're all working fine ;P
Good work to re-do the Poll, but the one's which are in there... well most of them I don't like :/ I've seen so many really awesome-kick-**** entries in those other threads... Anyway, my favourite is still E, the top is cool :D Though, good luck everyone and congratulations for coming that far! ^.^