I'm actually enjoying this new expansion. Personally I'd like to see the whole 8 hour earning **** be removed, but I don't play as much as I used to anymore to really care too much about that. Though one thing I have noticed is the amount of complaints about the UI. Maybe add in a feature to change UI themes and even a…
b:angry it's still not finished updating! Guess I'll play another game until it's done... b:surrender
And here's the proof that the servers are by Microsoft...
If that's your style, I would just rather go with fresh grocery bought spinach and fruit/nut salad with some raspberry vinaigrette mixed in. b:pleased
SweetieBot please analyze me
b:angry I'm beginning to hate maintenance nights, especially after a tough day at work.
That... that moment when you feel like you angered sweetiebot after seeing an angry Roseluck picture... b:shocked
Devs, get this person a Moogle, stat! AND WHERE IS MY CURSED JETPACK?! Can't be a rocket fish without a jetpack! b:angryb:angryb:angry SweetieBot show me Roseluck
Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, because she's not bad she's just drawn that way[/QUOTE] Devs, make it possible to click a like/fav button when an awesome comment like this comes along!
Sweetie Bot please show me Roseluck.
b:chuckle Don't forget, America: Made in China. b:laugh
b:angry Why in Celestias multi-colored mane is maint now 3 hours? It's not like you guys are trying to reprogram a space shuttle or anything.
Oh good old Pinkie Pie, able to defy any kind of law in existance and can get away with it.
Happy shy is happy! Let the slaughter commence!
They better bring the servers up soon or I'm going to be one really angry pony...
Okay, 3 hour downtime? Since when? I thought maint was only for 2 hours. b:avoid
Sweetie Bot show me Flutterbat please.
Oh come now, we know that Princess Luna is best princess! Not Nightmare Moon!
:D and that Rarity picture has been saved. Sweetie Bot is awesome.
SweetieBot show me Rarity
b:puzzled What's with the 3 hour maints now? Extra time for the air conditioners to catch up? b:chuckle
I'd also have to say Chinese food. Just 3 hours later, I'd have to take a break from PWI or whatever I'm doing and eat more. :/ Funny how Chinese food doesn't seem to keep a belly full after a while... b:surrender
Just looking at the other servers... WHY DO WE NOT HAVE 2X?!?!?!
I know a lot of people did enjoy it for at least a day. Maybe future events can set up the server for PVE. One never knows.
Rage missile inbound... b:avoid
It's just a toggle in the program script. It's actually easy to change how a server behaves and what its settings are just by setting a few FALSE's to TRUE's and 1's to 0's and off's to on's.
I'd have to go with teleportation, BUT I would want a teleport beam effect of that from Star Trek!
b:avoid Now now, there's nothing wrong with bronies. It's the fake ones that give the real bronies a bad name. b:sad
xD Then how do you NOT know of me?! Well... I can see how as I play on and off and about the only... ONLY place I hang out at is Burning Heart for coin grinding.b:pleased