Mosz, you seem to be answering a LOT of archer questions. How about you do a nice Archer FAQ with some objective information :)? Like it is with other classes?
- - The information from this link should Improve this guide a LOT.
- Therefore, for PvP Ground(and air) until Phoenix ->Petite Sawfly Only important thing that Kowlin beats Petite Sawfly with is movement speed -> 10,4 comparing to 8.8 . Then again, who will outrun a sawfly? Celestial Plumpifish sounds right for a water pet. For PvE -> Golem and later,…
Having some friendly faction helps. otherwise, i know of no such place.
Um. But Sawfly is not only used for PvP. It should be also used for many air (kill flying creature x million) quests. Is it useful for THAT, too? And then, the extra 0.4 + movement speed allows you to chase better in pvp, no?
He means the upgraded land mounts for around 2 million. Those are for lvl 20(40 originally) or 40 (60 originally) No. People don't give out such things.
To be honest, I was quite insatiated because I wanted my **** to be a little bit bigger but they couldn't because that was the maximum slider. Meh. *sad* xDb:laugh
It's nice imho ;D do more ;D Meh, this one is scarier. =d The other one is better. Do some more tho if you got some more screenshots ;D
- - this should shed some light on the situation :) So it's usually: PvE - Crystalline Magmite -> Hercule PvP - Petite Sawfly -> Phoenix(also better PvE Magic tanker)
Yes, it is a limited edition :)
Who said it's over? IT. IS. NOT. OVER! EVAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!!!!!
Umm press Q and check the yellow quest and what you have left to do. If you did it, the quest tells you where to go. After talking, just mention the Quest Related topic.
I lol'd to that one.
It's a good pic =) Try making a closer look?
I really don't mind if the drop change increased. It's all friggin expensive =/
The thing I think is ruining everything is bleed (ripiing bite/flesh ream/Blademaster skill name i don't remember)
Congrats :) Mind posting your pic again(this time, in imageshack ?) Or anything else apart from photobucket on that matter. Thanks :) Edit: Nevermind. Fixed. Keep posting :)
I am most pleased to announce the winners of the November 08' Mr and Miss of the Perfect World International! The Winners are: Vicemiss Misstaken! And the Miss of PWI : Roxy!!! And for the men! ViceMr(?)! - Jheramar! And the Mr of PWI : Cheaper! Congratulations for the Winners!
I highly disagree. Photobucket images get outdated sooner or later and then the links here would be worthless. Imageshack is not only quicker, but better overall imho. As for the pics, I love them all :D Post more :D
Well. For some strange reason, there isn't a large number of pink girls out there. Dunno why. They seem to be popular in all other places ;)b:chuckle
watching it is much better. you get nothing but death, pking and lag if you join in.
There is also an (illegal, do NOT use it) multiclient being developed. Allows you to simply play few Perfect World's at a time. Might be that one, too.
I just waited for revolutionary changes. Any changes. Nothing.
You're level 15 . Try to repost this when you're level... let's say 50-60. I dare you.
Lots. It's better to buy feathers/source of force from players, goes out MUCH cheaper.
Cool ;) Really nice indeed =d
around 20-03 mil... is quite a lot. I got kind of sad because instead of comprehensive and cool updates , last 4 I saw were only boutique new items. That's sad.
Anyone? b:cry
=P Not many people are really whining. People realize it. I think...
4 days left=) Keep voting/posting ;d