Solar - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • Pls remember how big a bunny tail is - maybe its hidden under their pants :D
  • Hi lvls like you wreck the events we have at the moment so don't ask for more to ruin I'd rather no wraith events until the dynamics get sorted rather than hi lvls ruining low lvl wraith events
  • Ouch - I just thought you needed 1 widget still this is good to know as I was wondering this also - thx
  • I suggest Blademaster if you like close combat fighting or an Archer if you like ranged combat both are good solo chars like most games you can solo standard mobs but you will need to team up with others for bosses
  • thx everyone for replies although some were on other subjects I read all the replies and this will be my last It was clear that most people agreed with me with a few exceptions Hope something changes soon
  • The above is a typical; reply and It's what I'm trying to stop WHY should you have to lvl your char past the low lvl event only to come backs 30 lvls later and ruin it for the new low lvls (this also applies to say lvl 40 events gatecrashed by lvl 80's etc) You know it makes you all feel bad inside when you cant hit an…
  • The reason for this post is that the event is NOT FINE AS IT IS Yes, I and a lot of others are frustrated when you get ks'd BUT not having any mobs to hit because they are all being 1-hitted by high lvls trying to make even more cash from an event that is clearly aimed at the lower levels is the whole point of my post…
  • I was talking about the special event mobs so that hi lvl chars couldn't interfere with a low lvl event (and the same could be done in reverse so low lvls couldnt ks hi lvl mobs - oh yeah we cant do that cos we r low lvl ) People ALWAYS ks because they can but special events should be for the level they are meant for - we…
  • Thx all for replies I hope the GM's make it so the special mobs are UNTARGETABLE by ANYONE over 10 levels above the event mobs lvl so lvl 20 mobs cant be hit by any1 lvl 31+ lv 40 mobs cant be hit by any1 lvl 51+ etc so that the event area stays with the lvls that its meant for - just making no drops or rarer drops would…
  • Shizuma and the even higher 60+ lvls knew what they were doing and even said there were there cos they wanted to ks everyone or cos they were bored Just because it has happened to you in the past does not make it right to do to iothers in the future Just because you were abused don't grow up and abuse others 2 wrongs do…
  • I think you just read the title and NOT the post itself Even a sqaud would have had no chance read my whole post btw faction Midnight were also 1 hitting but ALL names of those who were there have been sent to support for future reference if they do same again Stay at events for your own lvl and DON'T spoil them for others…