Correction: Pandas look good in any armour b:victory
Come to Lost City Server, cheze will gladly solo Harpy Wraith for you b:laughb:laugh
Some of you people seem to be not able to read. Sangodoc already answered your questions. Try to use some brain cells instead of typing all those crapy questions & complaining over and over again. b:byeb:bye
You are stupid b:faint
Yeah give me 5.0 r9 poleaxe.b:laughb:laugh Sins would hit me 1k/sec and I`d hit them 7k/sec......sounds legit to me b:thanksb:thanks
Son I r dissapoint. b:surrender
Charm tick at 13kish hp + my 26k = 39k hp nice bein dead in 3-4 seconds....sooo r9 is totally useless against sins b:byeb:bye
Ohai ima full r9 +10 barb with 26k hp standing, still i got hit by a sin for rounded up 37.000 dmg in 2 seconds. So much to bein balanced b:shutup kkthx.
I fapped in frost i get banned now? OH WAIT...nvm.
LOLOLOL Fail go me b:surrender
I`m sure i never had an alt in your faction. :S Talk less or get your facts right.
I`m sure i never had an alt in your faction. :S Talk less or get your facts right.
Freaking god, is it my fault that people kos me coz they are jealous? b:laugh Don`t kos me coz I`m better than you b:cute Cevryn tried that and bring it on..I`ll pwn you anyways b:bye
nope We tried that and didnt get anything. Seems like the quest is broken x_x