Snypere - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Yeah, but if you dare post a new thread on a topic that has been discussed, you get 15 people calling you a noob for either not posting in an existing thread (in the case of an old, but still relevant topic) or stoopid noob if it's a question that has been answered in a previous thread. Some days, no matter which way you…
  • There is no "Thief" class in this game, so a person doing this is not "getting into character." He/she is just being a jerk. He "ain't had no home learning" as we used to say. Someone definitely needs to take his (or her) young **** out behind the woodshed and give him a good education. I played another game many, many…
  • b:puzzled 70 hard-earned dollars for an ugly land mount that doesn't go any faster than one for half the price (not that I would spend what little money I have on the lower priced on either). It boggles the mind. We really need a facepalm smilie.