Wish it could be christmas everyday. :3
I think it's still based slightly on the old raffle terms as far as Email address goes, the winning account needs to have a valid email, so if someone has like 20 accounts all with random emails then they won't win, the winner will be chosen again I assume.
Thank you so much, the squad I was in was so confused about like.. the whole chi thing. Cause she said about increase your chi to reduce damage but then she said 'Give me all your chi' So I assumed it meant use it before you die, squad wiped once but after reading your post I explained things to the squad and we did it on…
Exactly, meaning you say everything from the past. Thus I'm right either way. Troll succession. Gt rekt scrub.
Lol Rank, all you do is recall things that happened in the past, saying 'I remember' all the time you post. You should go hook up deadmau5 and ask him if you can cover his songs for him. You know the one? The one where all the lyrics are is 'I remember' You'd make a great cover <3