SnipedX - Dreamweaver Arc User


  • but then agian lvl dont make noobs a noob do they? some people assume there noobs cause of lvl
  • im srry but thats where your wrong i made a really awsome archer male XD and ye its jsut for fun i jsut dont get why girls dont act like boys do making boys the perverted ones jsut cause males are more animal like and show more of are ancestory. tho.... my gfs just as messed as me therefore i dont know anymore. lol and yes…
  • cant post a pic but oh well anyways i kinda like my archer but not enough self confidence to say its awsome and be all cocky and stuff. I hate cockyness XD anyways have a nice day :3 srry i couldent post a pic cause my comps pwi files were messed up bad and my gf got a virus from pw program that overwrited pwi and messed…