it would help if you left a description of the theme you want or something some of us dont know you so things ur looking for in a sig i was bored and was thinkin bout makin one but just for future reference Char Name Coller Special Images (you provide direct link) quotes lvl faction/guild w/e you want in your sig
thats odd lol no offense but is your PC compatibale? is it old, if so have u cleened it off; that dust dose wounders to heat :P
have a cleric within your lvl range higher or lower id say 4 lvls higher or 4 lvls lower fly on top of you and stack heal you with iron heart and do this aoe move aoe move aoe move now when moving move to mobs dont aoe and move and collect and aoe and move and collect cuz clerics iron heart steals your agro so you wanna…
Soloing with axe and aoe i can run threw a gold hp charm in about 3 hours lol on mobs 5 lvls or so higher then me but within those 3 hours i can put in a lvl or a lvl and half :) and the higher ur lvl and the more hp u have the quicker the goldey go's i kinda wish u could stack ur charms :P or they offered a higher charm…
I have spent nearly 1.5k US $ but not spending no more on HT
lol on the other hand this could be cost efficient u wouldn't need a hp charm just mp and just flop them when u need to :P
Class: Blade Master (AXE) Skill: A Connect Skill that travels like lightning Logic: Axe do not have range and if we could connect from person or non person to target it would make up for us (AXE BMS) not having range. EXAMPLE: user uses skill and it would travel like AOE hits the targets around then hits the targets near…
Class: Blade Master (AXE) Skill: A Connect Skill that travels like lightning Logic: Axe do not have range and if we could connect from person or non person to target it would make up for us (AXE BMS) not having range. EXAMPLE: user uses skill and it would travel like AOE hits the targets around then hits the targets near…