So glad you know things that are going on in Evo and also feel the need to post on an alt chat and not your main. Ok some members have left, some kicked things like this happen from time to time in large guilds. As for Failed Leadership - i have no idea where your getting your info from the sounds of it, its like someone…
Does my bum look big in this ?
Just like a man had to go left instead of asking for directions.
Show jummping hits a snag with new improved fences.
I'm kind of wondering why Radiance has the need to go for lands on the east when they have lands in there half (West) I really hope they don't try taking more than there fair share of land cos i kind of like them, and there players. Yes they are strong the strongest atm imo. But when they take too much land where is…
Like many other out there i was lvling when i heard about the bugs i guess we all knew something was up the way gold prices shot up. But unlike most of the complainers i stopped trying to lvl logged out and chilled for a few hours. Some of you tryed to make a good profit out of 1 of the bugs, this is for you HAHAHAHA…
Oh i get it now after reading the res of the post i kind of found out what the 1st was about. So i guess your blaming Evo for you loosing the TW war. As far as I know we didn't have any pack stating we would help another guild taking anything from anyone. By the sounds of it you guessed that as so many guilds were taking…