- The leg&ary reference is actually as you can see a 1 man faction on the Harshlands Server and has no ties to Legendary on Sanctuary. The person has never been in Legendary or either of our Alt factions. So feel free to keep LG out of your conspiracy theories.…
Again is there any way we can get any more feedback from a GM about wether or not there will be someone available during the bidding process that can help with the situation when it does occur again tommorrow? We've gotten less then stellar responses from anyone in authority other then a "We will be monitoring the…
When it does happen again next week will there be GM assistance in game to resolve it so that my faction can actually place a bid or will we be refused the right to place a bid yet again while you "work" on the problem?
How about you or another GM simply come onto the server and visually account the problem as I have requested? Why does it seem that this is an impossibility to get a GM to actually physically log onto the server they are supposed to service and help correct a problem? If a GM had gotten online any time during the bidding…