Skizo_mager - Harshlands Arc User


  • before any of you say it yes i know im a low level and dont have experience to be honest this argument is completly a waste of time of course most people are going to be bias to themselves saying "im the greatest" /story, or raging that they keep getting killed by "insert class here", the fact of the matter is in real…
  • im pretty new to this game just recently started i love this game its so awesome but if you guys are saying the game is going to die how long you think the game will last and is it worth continuing playing *sighs* i was hoping to become pro demon wizzy one day =( guess not guess ill just have to play world of rip you off…
  • im lvl 17 and mana really isnt a big issue for me but its always nice to have 20 or so just in case and meditating/ w.s is good to use to =)
  • well when it comes to mmo's the best guide is first hand experience you can read and research all you want but any good gamer knows the best thing is to just jump in and learn as you go because everyones opinion is different and guides are most of the time bias to one paticular play style that might not work for you thats…
  • 7/10 cuz your name sounds exotic =o
  • if anything we should team up with psy rather than fear replacement why cant we coexist? i mean each class has its pros and cons and tbh wizzies will always be needed/ wanted cuz as far as i know we still the best dd's in game =)