Alakazam was OP yea And the trade thing, just trade back and forth with someone. Still your own pokemon b:laugh
That's double stupid, because ground to air does full damage (and no, he doesn't do an AoE. He does tend to switch aggro from time to time though). While theyr own damage to him IS halved It's only when you are moving in a way that your target might not be able to reach you. So flying above someone, or in the water while…
Don't lowlvls get a huge buf in att/def level already? The barbs I see with that buf last just as long as the ones I see without, and I hit alot less on them
I thought you were cool Hex b:sad And I hated Evee. Not because of the pokemon, but because I could never pick what to let him evolve into
You get 6 badges per run -_- Just go read a guide on full warsong. EVERYTHING you should know is already written down, don't be lazy
As long as you don't put Gyarados against an electric pokemon b:laugh
Except that APS is meaningless in PvP
That's 3,33 base with G16 daggers. Same combo otherwise Or 4 sparked with R9 recast
That would depend entirely on your definition of 'best'
Shouldn't this be in your servers forum?
Same thing with mobs
And how does SoV help you the same way a charm does?
Or you just turn down your effects and stop complaining b:bye
I think it will stay like this. They put in that option to make summerwind tokens easier to get. China has it with Wedding candys. Doing that would blow up the token market, which would make it alot harder for lower levels to get the good stuf. This was the better option, lvl 100+ can still make money outside of nirvana.…
You were in TW and the target was getting hit by towers?
'decided' is a verb Lots of people misspell the name of these things, but atleast don't use a completly different word -_- It's deicide
There is no way you can kill 5 people in 8 seconds (powerdash duration) with APS, unles they somehow all stand close enough so you don't have to move, are all squishy casters, AND don't react to you. And than still you'd have to kill them all in 3-5 hits Or do you seriusly expect people to just stand still while you are…
And you select physical protection ornaments with Heavy armor because.. you like being 1shot by casters?
10 years, he lives with his mom
Shoo yourself b:shutup
I can see you don't have a toon on Dreamweaver b:chuckle Little Rex isn't a merchant, he's a cashshopper
Right. Because there is no such thing as farming. Hell, with Nation wars lvl 80 toons can now make 20mil extremely easy
Below the beginners guide forum are the class discussion forums. There are alot of guides for each class in there. I'd suggest you don't touch your genie for now. It's atribute points are completly seperate from your own, and they affect how strong the skills you select for your genie are. So you can't make a choise for…
I would atLEAST put immac shards. With a R9 weapon/belt, you should be able to afford those. Check the exclusive shards from morai, they are slightly better than perfect. An exclusive garnet (shroud) costs 1,5mil. Citrines are 3,5 I'd double check the cape. Without a full set of G16 you're missing out on 20 attack levels.…
Casters with R999 are OP because of the purify proc. Hell you'd even make a good flag carrier in Nation Wars because of it. So I'd suggest you pick whatever caster you like most
Well there is Phoenix Valley and AEU Besides, be happy that leveling up higher than 101 finally gives some bonus.
Turn of World chat Or just suck it up and accept that your kids are on the internet. They are going to see that stuf anyway.
You actually discribed the procces of mold selling Happends mostly for fists/claws and daggers
It's a first come first serve base. And the best fix for this is to NOT go with the crowd. Instead find yourself an empty land and attack it yourself, the rest will folow An aggrasive play seems to award you the most points