sorry about the aggro just an major shock. I wait then. see ya all in game
"big woop" to you. not to me. I just put 20 USD in yesterday. show on mine transaction went in like normal. today 20 dollar down the drain. not happy about this 1 bit. I just want mine 20 back in mine wallet. all I care about atm. get that I can redo want I did yesterday.
what are you going about with that?
I am trying to speed up mine dragon quest as I do not always have time to spend hours getting the items. yet I want to make the gear from them for me and rest of mine clan. I was wondering how much an good buying prices be for lvl 71 dragon quest to buy in bulk? 1k,2k of coin? please let me know
I starting to think some players are using 3rd party stuff to get gold for packs for I see duke shout the same name all day very a lot as well. In 1 hour time I see name like _GGG more then 40 times with s/he got some rare item.
sent this is about r8 and r9 gear. can I have an step by step on making r9 gear. pls and thank you