I think they dont want that the game is going to be to fun to play. 1 littttle update will change alot:) and make alot of players happy.
Nopes its more because pwi wants that you make an new account to beging at the start. So you gona cashchop so they make money. There is no reason why they cant do it. They can atleast copy the account... Or change your account for gold for your new server.
you guyssss still talking I still didn't got the answer when the AEU NW times comesb:infuriated
You all are talking TO MUCH! just say when AEU time for NW comes and shhhhh!b:angryb:beatenup
I just can't get up at 5am, so there will come EU Nation Wars Time? keep it simple yes or no and when:)b:chuckle POTTTTTTAAAATOOOOOOOOOb:shutupb:cry