Fun times...Fun times...
Shout out to my boy Archers. Regardless of what you all think about him hate him or not, he is still in matter who he kills....hes in the rank....QQ all you want...still in rank.... Guys...Seriously, stop acting like the12 yr old kid that wants chocolate milk b:shockedb:shocked When i go pking w him he always…
Pervs go get owned by tanya again..btw u never had the balls to put yours...grow a pair of balls and venture outside your house once in a while. Btw I won't vote for pedro...Oh yea...Nice makeover...know we all know what u swing over to to..b:chuckle
Who are you? Oh yea the Noob that runs away because your insecurity still pwns you...Sit down before you hurt yourself We=Attacking you You=Running with your mount...we got a good kick of you running faster than a fat kid to cake....or maybe you are a fat kid? @_@
Run on/Fragmented sentances ftw! Do us a favor kid...Breathe and get off the comp. We arent' Allied w RQ, whoever tells you anything about RH because you don't have a big enough E-Peen to ask us is not our fault. BTW Archers might get pkd alot, but at least he doesn't come into the forums and go cry ***** to everyone on…