Sinangel - Sanctuary Arc User


  • No johnny you guys are assuming the main 4 would be in 1 single bracket of tw timing. Considering the location of reg, that's not possible. I think you know why.
  • if you even remember the week when we had all of our lands under attack then you would also remember that at most, there will be 3 per slot. The cities aren't attack able by other guilds so they are automatically not factored in. 6 cities total with nef having a total of 45 making 39 attachable targets. or 13 3 hour attack…
  • actually we suspected that you guys absorbed ene. Because of this you guys are more difficult. Still, even with 7 parties pulled out of leg and into rr at the 6 minute mark. We won. It wasn't any great over arching plan, it's was simply because nef only had 5 parties in leg tw when we won. Don't over estimate yourself or…
  • you said 5-6. That's 1. Mendolin left due to other issues as well. Get your facts strait. As for not saying you left, it was more like didn't care that you leave. Heaven offered anyone a chance to come back and tbh, we didn't lose much in losing you. Feel free to bash me if you wish but do not bash people unrelated.…
  • hum...cronnies? I call them friends. Notice that when you left there wasn't much drama=). If anything I quote milyen "first person to kill Johnny and posts ss gets 100k" (Btw mil you owe me and core 100k each). You weren't much loved for betraying those who you considered as friends then trashed to join ene. Get your facts…
  • I said he failed as a person. You fail just as much. And no. The br tactic is for mass kills. I don't need a crit on br to kill you seeing I have nailed 6k on you with cleave alone. I give credit where it's dued. Who are you to say who's a pker and who's not if going by your words ( I haven't pked in 5 months)?
  • Lol you think that's me? Dude I wasn't at tw last week. My sister was giving birth that weekend. Whole family was there for her and the new kid. Very poor assumption thinking that I'd ever bother to post with an alt=). On the other hand, worry about your own guild. How many people will leave this server because the war is…
  • This is coming from an ex nef who left for personal/drama reasons then rage quit eminance once he realized he wasn't going to get guild leadership? Actually I don't understand why some people bother posting with alts. Most of us have nothing to hide and laugh too hard at the forums to really make sense of it. Though 1…
  • oh right, the packs had warsoul helm in it, naturally if tournament gives 4 a week that means less incentive to get the helm with packs. I'd rather wait on a gm to give a response though.
  • outlaw was "ganked" because outlaw core left after their leader was inactive. Something similar for nef would the equivalent of our top 50 members all getting pissed and leaving for nef to decay to that point. Your words show desperation, the fact that leg abandoned the alliance since they realized that only reg was…
  • it's somewhere in this thread so I'm looking=) I believe you posted on it before you got banned. I only have 6x posts so it wouldn't be hard to find=)
  • true=) but it's not my job anymore. I was only responsible for helping plan leg's...collapse. Well they aren't on map anymore so I guess I did fine. As for the current conflict, look towards others.
  • Actually I never did. Read the posts after that dealing with how it was to point out just how much trust you had for your members -.-. The stuff I said about tw was pretty much common sense. We fought leg for weeks and after a while you guys adopted a pattern which was easy to break. So I used the few wins we had to add in…
  • but it's not about stopping nef. If it was the first main piece of reg land should be from nef not a decaying leg. Quite frankly it's about getting land period.
  • thank god at least 1 person's honest. Yes that's what I'm hoping for=) It was fun chasing you down, though once the 12 assasins hit 89 this week you will face them in tw=). Tbh, we do have sins but not enough psychics since they are much harder to level, so yes it will be interesting to test out the new classes in tw=).
  • hum, this is why you need to be around for the entire tw exp to make those claims. Scroll back enough and you can see that those claims I made about a spy was to point how how well "unifed" legendary was. I made a few simple claims which is possible for any guild and because of that you assumed I was a spy or had an alt.…
  • Wasn't apart of that planning. Plus, we lost cause no one assigned tower builders, something which was remedied which is why we held against leg for the first 15 minutes with 2 parties=).
  • Nope, I can't because I fail to give validity for whatever you spew unless I know you are someone who actually knows what he's or she is talking about. Flaming and objective reasoning is two separate things. For example, me talking about nefarious' tw weaknesses would have more weight than you talking about nef since…
  • I'm not going to discuss the internal matters that occur before we started winning=) But the end justifies the mean=) Now plz stop hiding and use your real avatar. Anyways, point is we will see in the next few weeks if tw changes or not=) Personally I enjoy tws not rolls even though that is how we fund towers.
  • hum, yes but unlike you I don't hide. Why not show your real avatar? It's one thing to disagree but another to hide behind a mask to give comments no?
  • on a side note, nef is now accepting applicant tideborn to our guild. Level 70 for now. the level requirement will probably go up as time goes on but hey that's expected no? As for info leak and ironguard leak, we really don't care since unless you can read minds, you won't really understand tactical planning. Anyhow site…
  • na, we have a point value system for tw. Meaning we grade tws from crappy to sweet. We enjoy sweet tws and some times we time the fastest roll for guilds. Ironically our fastest tw comes from reg back when leg was 2nd in power. 5 minutes 20 seconds. RR follows that at 5 minutes 34. I believe we have a montage of the rolls.…
  • If none of you cared then none of you would go as far as making alliances. Kinda contradictory isn't it? Oh strife fyi, if the timing was anything else then you guys would have lost much harder. Try changing it up first hand, I'm not going to explain how 130 people were able to repel over 200 people. But I want all of you…
  • the 3 on 1 assault only worked under certain assumptions. Once those were covered, it's rather hard for it to work. If reg hopes for the alliance to continue, they might want to consider who's bearing the burden of the attacks w.o gains and how might rr and leg react once they are out of land. Retaliation is not bullying…
  • a bit presumptuous aren't we? How are you sure that you will ever border archo or get the 3 required land? Currently you are 2 weeks from archo or 1k and you don't have the required land
  • Hey things change as leaders change. I'll admit nothing lol. Plus next week will be fun. But be honest, last tw, who's got everything to gain and nothing to lose? You guys got a long fight to pve lands. GL=)
  • Cute, real cute. However, you are evading the most basic question. Who has the most to gain from these 3 prong attacks and who suffers the costs w.o gains? Legendary and all these...other pawns of your's may help but you encourage it simply because you know only regicide will gain from any of the efforts. I think it's…
  • plz, be less obvious. I already said no to said offers.
  • -points to the QQ anniversary packs- Ya, we can tell how well that worked.
  • but that situation no longer exist. Think back, during that time, nef was the underdog. Legendary was able to win land off nef one on one, so it wasn't really a 3 way bang. The current situation is the number 2, can not longer last 10 minutes against the number 1. It would require some srs work for number 2 to pull up the…