Thank you for letting us know what is going on with the DQ reward system. As others have requested please keep Demon/Sage Event cards, Random Dyes and Makeover Scrolls to the new system as those are among the main items redeemed. I agree with this. Some way to farm that helm would be awesome.
It would be nice if PW shifted the Sunday NW slot to 2PM server time then moved the second TW slot which is currently at 2PM Saturday to 8PM Sunday. I know some people who enjoy TW and prefer the 2PM Sat slot wouldn't be unhappy with this but it would separate the TW slots instead of having both a defense and attack on the…
IMO the problem with TW scheduling is the change that was made to main slots which used to be on Fridays and Saturdays at 8PM, with the inclusion of Nation Wars the Friday slot was moved to Saturday 2PM and this can make Saturday a busy day for factions who TW regularly. Example; if your faction is fighting a close to your…
It did not take that much intelligence to work out what stacking interval gear could achieve, and then players copied the basic idea without much further thought than: More Attacks Per Second = fast kill, more money, go me. No squad took 3 hours back in the day if they knew what they were doing and were actually geared.…
I support this, some of the skins for the r9rr weapons look cheap and not what you'd expect or like on something which cost a lot to obtain and currently the best weapons in the game.
This is an interesting idea, though MP is another option and maybe 10% cost per proc, with a mana charm or herb that's still a good trade for what the Purify add does.
I don't agree with the ideas. The 6 month resets are what keep or revive interest in Terrotory War for the majority of players in factions other than the top two which sometimes only get a few weeks or months on the map before being picked off or boxed up by bigger factions. Each reset is a fresh chance to try again and…
Seekers having zerk enabled on their metal skills was adding extra damage to a strength the class had over over heavy armor opponents, I don't think it was needed and potentially puts classes with low magic defense at more of a disadvantage against a seeker in PvP. It's interesting that the developers allowed zerk on metal…
With the release of Nirvana gear, rank gear and higher refines more easily obtainable the pros that went with the sage cultivation became reduced compared to the pros of the demon path, this has been covered many times in the barbarian subforum where demon barb players have pointed out with detailed explanations why…