Silmoren - Sanctuary Arc User


  • Yup, there's The Beta Key slot in "My Account". I've already activated my code, but nothing special happened, suppose we still have to wait for some more info on it.
  • Got my Key also. God, we're so close to play ESO ^_^
  • But it's still Closed Beta, even if it's true, then You still need a key. But furthermore, it's one step closer to play ESO, finally ^_^ EDIT Ahhh, just read once more that news, beta key isn't problem (if You win it there), then, we're two steps closer to play ESO (Hurray!)
  • Ah, good to see some official concrets ^_^ Whaaaah, words "soon" and "spring" are going to kill me xD
  • Had read that background stories about 15 times so far b:laugh But still its not enough for me ^_^ Yeah it says in trailer movie, but by "Spring" They mean beggining of the year (january, february etc) or calendar spring (april, may)?
  • Suppose that ES forums is simply not ready yet, thats why it won't load. But I'm also up to some info about ES, it looks great.