Growing in levels like crazy! TW time soon hopefullyb:pleased
Hilarious, Keep it up Amplified!
Thunderous is an amazing skill, I recommend Serrated arrow also! Winged pledge is one of your only Melee skills, So I reccomend getting it up. Winged pledge is awesome if a blademaster/barbarian attacks you.
Passed 80 members.
Amen! Finnally someone that see the bad sides off the game!
Doesnt matter, Theres 80% shemales in this game anyways.
6900 something, At Lv 40.
- Sorry for the lame background^.^, Is this a girl competition btwb:cute
Growing in Levels like crazy, Join Unity!b:laugh
Soon to be Lv 3 faction I hope, Currently 70 members and growing everyday!b:cute
I did, And if you didnt see I said that I woulda start raising it after I hitted 200 dex, Im currently Lv 40 with 180 dex and 36 Strenght.
Yaa, Im not sure how high Str I should get, Im thinking of leaving it at 33, And get like 200+ Dex.
Awesome faction, Enjoying every minuteb:cute
I think that its 4 Vit points only since my gear gives me some Vitb:pleased