Shyla_Rae - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • Name :Shyla_Rae Class: Venomancer Server: Heavens TEar
  • sry meant to add, my grief to all cat shop hugely noticable in arch west.. i think just as a suggestion, that around all npcs every where is a inpenatrateble circle allowing any and all to see or target npc traders, and before anyone says, shift keying isnt alway's best =p
  • off topic for a sec i'll just bet ajriaz_skaya' fav color is puple, = D mine too on topic, if blakipoo had trouble seel his items, try nth n sth areas of arch nice n quiet ppl starting to go there from bank n such, might have better sales there, try different places, blakie... and ppl plz dont set a cat shop on top of a…
  • while everyone posts cover the pro's n con of cash shop dependency, something reminded me , i read in a previous post under another title that this game used to ptp pay to play, paying monthly costss i guess, since they brought cash shop in they made it mostly free , so to spk, and upto the player if they use it, i myself…
  • since griffons was mentioned previously, i loved the griffons from wow, now they would make a fine flying for beast kind , i think, in replacement of the skymants perhaps ^^