Shirabelle - Sanctuary Arc User


  • I find it all hilarious really.. how much people complain in contests. Especially when it comes to CHANCE, and art. All those people who say "This is the last time I'm going to enter one of these because I don't think it's fair. Blahblah." Yet their 'art' is next to ****. They complain when someone more talented wins. It's…
  • It's human nature to judge. I've had to fight the urge sometimes. But other times it's just not worth it. It's true that the majority of females who dress to gain the attention of men are usually easy. It just depends on how revealing the clothes actually are. If she has on a super mini skirt, a halter top that only, and…
  • It may be beautiful, but 'flaunting it' usually just means that they're easy hoes. >> Which is why men like them.. until they want something serious. x3
  • Ignorance is bliss, so no. Some of the most disturbed minds in history were geniuses. And the rest are either messed up or handicapped in other ways. So I believe that level of intelligence does come at a cost. It's the slow people that seem the most happy/content with life. x3
  • Ooh. Well I love 90s music. And I listen to a lot of technoish electronica .. and other stuffs like that. Heres some songs I like: I has more if you want. >>
  • What type of music do you like? >> This one is fun. :'D
  • xD Okie. Yeah I played Wonderland for only a few weeks, but it was fun. x3 I liked the whole housing and pet aspects. xD *Dork*
  • In-Game Name(IGN): Shirabelle Real Name: Niky Class: Cleric Level: 11 Time zone/location: Eastern, ON Canada Age: 19 Languages: English Tell us something interesting about yourself: I'm an artist. >> Photoshop pro.. xD Or so I'd like to think so. I can draw/paint/color, make decent graphics, touch-ups, and do almost…