true enough. but that still means generally the same thing i was pointing at. . . . non heavies. LA after 80 isn't to far pdef under AA if they get good pdef ammy/belt and such but hey.
soooooooo, a couple things that have already been mentioned but seems people like to just skip them over as if there nothing. low hp cleric. wizzies, well squishies in general. if your a sage and open with take aim pretty decent chance the'll just die right there. 2ndly for the really dumb person earlier on who actually…
well your still a low lvl, and don't wanna make the same mistake as alot of others. you may wanna go here and make sure you wanna stay on harshlands (pvp server) before going to far. edit: keeping on topic. a 1 vit per lvl max of 50-100 vit is a nice build for a poor cleric. you…
to lvl a sawfly easily, theres some lvl 100 mobs in the air around the water south west of raging tide. and start saving coin to invest in fleash ream since it's for pk or it won't be as useful since well ream owns it's just that simple.
better ty.