Shantilia - Sanctuary Arc User



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  • Did the last one with Veno+Herc at 93 i think it was. With Herc it's quite easy, dunno if normal pets could stand against it, maybe with Hercbuffs. But the reward is a joke really, rather stop before it and get the book credit pages than this one useless coin. >.<
  • Hm, don't really know what you read there. I learned Demon Slipstream Strike with my sin and it is like this: For CoD it is: Sage reduction still 100% but 5 more Atk lvls and Demon still 30 Atk lvls and 70% reduction.
  • I have to agree with ACLucius. Some major flaws in it. What I'd like to add is, that you mixed Focused Mind and Tidal Protection, it's vice versa than what you wrote^^. (And I prefer Focused Mind, although it's only a 25% chance, but EVERY damage you take has this 25% chance to be reduced to 1, both physical and magical.)…
  • But there is one thing with FB109 that's really annoying me. At 101 you get a quest chain called "The Circle" where you have to get a drop from a FB109 boss after a few steps and later a drop from a boss from the other FB109, so what? "Hey, let them have a quest where they have to enter an instance that will never exist…
  • It's easy. Those mobs do a mana burn with their casts. And those are real mana BURNS, not like everything else which just reduces targets mana. They deal only 1 damage per attack and cast, but the side effect of the casts is a mana burn of around 1k i think, meaning with every cast they only deal this 1 damage to you. But…
  • It is right, that CS, WQ and Cube give the same EXP 100+ that they give at lvl99. What's not quite right is, that EXP doesn't go up exponentially 100+. You need ~30,4mil EXP to level from 99 to 100, but to go from 100 to 101 you need nearly 67mil EXP and it gets more than doubled every lvl then. For CS you get ~0,5% at…
  • Hi, I think your best bet would be Paysafe cards. You purchase them like normal things with your cash in stores. Online you only have to enter the code then for the payment. It's the easiest method in Germany without online banking and without a credit card imo. You can enter your address there…
  • You can return to the Winged Elf Recluse at 320 330, he will give you a new pair. Don't remember if you have to pay something for them.
  • Like already said, the Token of the Seven doesn't has any use atm. At lvl 86 you'll get the quest Unknown Trace and after you finish it, you will get the new quest Kuhan the Hero, if you have the letter. In the new quest you can hand in the letter and the hero isn't nameless anymore. b:pleased
  • I was arcane build until lvl 70, then with my first TT-armor set I changed to light armor. Until the mid-90s where I realized, that the few more p.def weren't worth the loss in m.atk, so i restatted to arcane and I'm very satisfied now. I only use citrine shards in every equip and an elemental neck and belt, so my p.def…
  • I got my herc and nix in August when it was ~22mil for each of them. Now with the current prices I feel really lucky that I got them earlier. b:cute
  • You never get the levels of the decomposed genie out of it, just a small part of the exp. For a level 38 genie I guess it would be 6-7 levels for a new genie, if you infuse it.
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