Have the drops needed for the Lunar molds been implemented yet ? or is that something else thats half done ? " Hey guys here's the molds, but we're not going to give you the mats to make them " or future mats in packs * sighs*
Yes the xp reward increase but so does the xp needed per level. So while you might be getting more xp per WQ the % of a level it gives is lower 330k is the highest it goes iirc. (not 100% without being ingame to check)
Nice time for Europeans though ( 5-6pm ) Imo it will be another close fight that could go either way but that all might change, Since it suffers the same fate as their war last week. That being the time might make a big impact on who is able to turn up.
lol Thats like being 40 stone THEN blaming McD's because they sold you burgers. PWI put aids to help you level if people choose to abuse them and rush, then its no ones fault but their own. Rush to 90 and you're bored ... Tough **** Think for yourself and play the game for yourself ... Stop being braindead sheep just…
Actually she was right at the time of posting ( if ya hadnt noticed it was before the TB expansion and the Glacial walker replacing the Magmite ) and yes Necro b:shocked
TBH if you have lost the spark then maybe it's time to take a break, logging into the game and being bored/jaded isnt going to help in the long term. But if you want to log in then IMO you need to find fun things to do that doesnt include leveling or farming. Run low FB's for randoms, Do FF runs not for the xp but for the…
Lol Lrn2read It's not QQ because as Ive already stated I dont care and you actually QQ'ed more than I supposedly did . b:bye A comment caught my attention so I asked for it to be clarified and then posted my unbiased views on it, nothing more nothing less. I personally would have done the same if it was TE, Tao, Rad, Salad…
b:shocked ......................
Yeah I agree, it be really pr0 if TT and Lunar had solo modes, or they had events likes CoA/DT that you dont need to find a squad for.. come on PWI get it sorted b:shutup
Should ask your friends Spider King and Wicked Pirate to come help ... O wait
Stop trying to up your post count to its pre-mod level by spamming waffle b:chuckle
DQ Blessing : Only 5 gold and lasts one week. While in use the NPC buys DQ items at the old price b:chuckle
^^ This It still really surprise's me how many people share their account info with other's, wether that be a supposed RL friend or ingame GF etc. Then scream blue murder when their account is stolen.
Im not blaming or accusing Enrage or Belial of anything, just curious about the situation and trying to have a civil ( yes hard on these forums ) conversation about it. I dont actually care one way or the other but it makes an amusing interesting topic on WQ lol and lol Yes because ofc they are that much stronger than…
Was that pre-planned ? Even if it wasnt seems a bit weird to me that a supposed " serious " TW Faction wouldnt use the situation to their own advantage and attack on the gank. Now what they did wether thats right or wrong handed the advantage to the Faction they are " supposed " to be attacking. Now what they did and not…
If it applies to TT and Nirvana etc its not solving the problem its just moving it to somewhere else. Since Instance drop price's will continue to fall = Players still having the same problem of earning money by working " ingame "
I doudt they actually need to Dev's permission the activate a x2 drop session, so hopefully it will be something permanent and not a CS sale " compensation "
Ermm can you clarify what you mean by that please ? Sounds as if you were in a gank on Enrage and didnt attack until the other fights were over or am I reading it wrong ? If it reads how I assume it does then no I dont think its throwing a bid, but seems very close to working in partnership with Enrage to use your bid to…
Woooaah All this hate between Tao and the rest of the server . Have they finally surpassed Enrage as HT's most loathed ?
Overall they seem pretty even now. Yes there are certain parts one is better than the other ie: Tao's Barbs > Rads, Rad's Archers > Tao's etc but it all even's itself up to put them if not on the same par close to it now. So from last time they fought ( couple a months ago wasnt it ?) Rad > Has got stronger Tao > Has got…
One section of the forum just isnt enough to contain all the HT drama b:chuckle
Also have the problem this week of it being Mother's Day, and even those from any faction that are normally on at this time might have other plans. W/e the results of last nights TW and today's, I doudt very much the #2 spot will be earned or lost this weekend.
I disagree. Knowing the type of person Spoons was and how well he knew the communities mood, I would believe he was maybe a little to vocal (off forums) in the direction he thought the game was going. Which would also explain all the cloak and dagger treatment to the subject.
Enrage still kicks **** in TW and PK but the Enrage of today compared to the Enrage of a year ago has mellowed. The mass QQ causing activities they used to be famous for are now virtually non-existent. Thats not a negative attack on Enrage btw before ppl get defensive lol
You mean the time honoured strategy of crystal rush down path B b:chuckle
What was the squad make up ? Did the 2nd BM replace the barb or a DD ? If it was the barb then I cant see why the dmg wasnt enough. Done Delta for culti before to wave 5 with low DD squad. 1 Wiz, 1 Bm, 1 Barb, 1 Veno and 2 Clerics and Dmg output wasnt a problem. What you need to do is set up the aura's to compensate for…
LC must have bad Bm's then, cus Frost is **** easy for BM's to tank.
Get a good Barb and you will only have to worry about agro when he goes to lure the next wave or pulls the boss away, get a bad Barb and you will be spamming Alpha like mad.
Because the game treats RoTP as an attack, even though it doesnt do any dmg. So aswell as stunning it also generates an agro score.
lol That true but if its a CS item on PW-CN then they will not make it " free " here. Best you can hope for is they give all TB over 89 a " free " non-tradable stone to swap once if needed. Since the Demon/Sage skills taking soooo long to come out is the makers fault not the players. A bit like what they did with Genie…