Dreamweaver server is having this issue as well, noticed it on several different toons. Annoying because I actually wanted the crystals I had saved up so far.
Watching chat during this boss helps a lot, as it indicates what special abilities the boss is about to use, different abilities having different phrases. Purge: "Soon you will be one of us." Extreme Poison: "Ignorant mortals, you are killing yourselves!" Stun/random aggro (not sure on this one, since I solo it, but for…
Potentially even worse if we get a rollback to before the server issues started. (No idea if they'll do that, but it's a possibility I'd think)
I wasn't personally impacted by it, but quite a few people were saying they had someone else's gear after the first time this happened. Any ideas what they might do to try to correct that problem? Should we expect a rollback to try to correct it?
They're trying to make the original rollout of the Obamacare website look functional by comparison. b:shutup
I'd imagine another rollback will be necessary, unless they have some other way of sorting out all of the items that got messed up.
1: Post in forum topics about the servers being down. 2: Waste time on the internet. 3: Play other games. 4: ????
Glad i finished bh just before the crash, otherwise would have a dead squad laying around in delta lol b:shocked
Lol? Knife throw to interrupt the channel, AD to completely resist it, Apothecary items to resist damage, telestun to prevent channeling if the wizard hasn't used an immune to stun...
Wtt 5 hyper stones for 3x 10* orbs on Dreamweaver Server. Hey, PWI told me they're equivalent b:shutup
From what's been said so far, all of us that didn't get anything are probably just SOL.
I didn't get the code (was at work when it was posted, yay x.x). I'd honestly be okay with just being given the 3 orbs i could have gotten had i not been at work. As it is, having 0 orbs when other people have 3,6,12,etc+ is just demotivating.
I was at work also and never had a chance to redeem it. It would definitely be nice if they somehow make it available for everyone that never redeemed it initially.
There's a few skills i might pick: Black Ice Dragon Strike: It's just awesomely shiny, and I'd have fun distracting people with it. Also, in case you ever feel someone needs a giant ice dragon dropped on their head. Sage Force of Will: Instantly shut up someone + anyone within 3 meters of them, "Silence you fools!"…
I voted other: I'd prefer that it not be possible to be 1-shot by other players, or at least alter the system so that everyone can have a fighting chance. I used to pvp and had fun when I could fight someone else 1v1 and have it last for a while, since it was more of a contest of skill than of gear. Having tried NW twice…
I'll have to nominate Eyes of the Crimson Beyond and his relatives in the new Abaddon, Reckless Beholders. Not something I would want to run into.
b:bye How's Dreamweaver doing? Has Decus buried it in math problems yet? lol Hm, I'll post in the DW forums sometime when sleep/work/classes give me free time. For now, sleep wins lol
Haven't played in quite a while, but decided to lurk the forums. And...that is a lot of spam threads...poor forums :(
Post in dumb and completely useless threads in general discussion b:avoid
TW with no one online, awesome
Hello, I see you are attempting to troll. Would you like some help? (+1 post count)
BB use your tw pay to get a spacebar b:shutup
o_o, so pro it took over the TW post
Just forum-trolling now while I wait for my next class. 1 hour of free time + nothing to work on = forum spam b:shutup also saw Decus near nirvana recently b:avoid
ohai decus b:bye
Honestly, I vote no, even though my main is a wizard. I farmed gear to make a 5aps sin to farm things, it took a while, but is possible. Also, it's a mistake to thing reducing aps would make all the "5aps/+10 or better" squads take the classes they currently don't. Instead, we'd probably get bigger squads of "3aps +10", or…
Yep, because everything speculated on or posted on the forums is automatically and irrevocably true. Oh wait...
works for me +1
orly? o.o
2 biggest pieces of advice: read what the trial is before anyone starts it (would have saved us some time, but a few were started before we could read >.>). Second, make sure you have a decent number of melee/archers/casters, since some mobs will be phys or elemental immune. Also, trial 9 will require it.