I grind the level 76 Solar Falcons (which are near the Elsyum fowls). They're metal type, so with blazing arrow buffed you do very good grinding damage (metal is weak to fire).
How bad do you have to actually be to make this list? I wish I was on it b:sad
Favourite - The quickbar having 1-9 and now up to 5 rows b:dirty Worst - Misty rings massive price reduction.... b:angry
Incorrect, Harshlands and Lost city are based in different timezones. Lost City is based on the West Coast of USA, while harshlands is based on the East Coast of USA. This means things like territorial wars are at different times. Besides that the only other difference is how long they have been around. Lost City has been…
That was not a good buy. You want as many lucky points as possible. The stat points doesn't matter based on which genie you use (the difference between them is quite small anyway.) But what the stats do count for is with the skills you use. If your genies use is to be defensive/debuffer then you should invest in dexterity.…
Attack level adds a percentage onto your damage. So for instance 1 attack level will add 1% damage or 10 attack levels will add 10% damage. I can't verify if the skill works, but that is how attack level works. I can't believe this is the only post suggesting blood clot. It's a PvP life safer!!! In a tw I was in last…
The PvP perspective is very inaccurate. Archer's main form of DPS is physical hits, we do have metal attacks too, but they only add a certain amount of damage on (unlike most other classes we don't get many +#% of weapon attack). Based on this an archers worst enemies are barbs, who have v good phys def and have the large…
Elemental shards in weapons is definitely the way to go. I can't believe people (bms/barbs too) actually use garnet shards for weapons. Not only do elemental shards give a much better bonus, but they are much better against bms/barbs. Who are actually the opponent we have the most trouble with. An in-game friend of mine,…
Nope it's level 10. Up until last week I had just a level 10 Genie with ToP. Now I've got a level 20 genie with ToP and Blood clot.... Just goes to show how well you can get by without a genie. In PvE I wouldn't ever use it, unless your about to die where Tree of protection will save your life. In PvP it is extremely…
This is awesome thanks a lot. I think this should be stickied until the changes have been made. Also don't forget the good old: Aim low - Freezes, not stuns
What I don't see is how this can be reflected upon the faction WolfBlade? You've done a very good job at tarnishing WolfBlade's already low reputation on this server.... I wonder if you generalise everything you see to reflect the whole faction? Hell since you did it, I can to... I attempted to pk a QQme who ran to…
This sounds like it could be fun. I obviously aren't strong enough to come, but if someone puts an xfire of it up it would be awesome. What I'm interested to see is if this can be done without faction biases? Otherwise it'll just end up being a big pk war of QQme, Crimson vs KD, Kylin with the middle factions picking a…
I understand where your coming from here, it is true that if you don't have the money it could be a problem. But there are many times that having good wings have saved me losing dolls. Your on a PvP sever you'll understand that if your grinding and a pker 20+ levels above you comes flying at you, it would be best to run!…
You missed out 2 extremely key PvP skills. Lightning Strike and Thunder Blast! They are our only real skills to use vs heavy armor users and then we need crit/spark to kill them. Both have good casting time and the cooldown isn't too bad. To be honest these are good vs LA users too. Now your topic title meantioned deadly…
The answer is simple, no nixes... EDIT: Plus convenient location near arch, and there is always an influx of fb29 helpers to pk. I know a few who camp there and let low level players by.
Nor me, but that was a baby pet
Just to quickly state my opinion on this. My own view on the situation is that all molds should go to the tabbers. The reason being is quite simply, where else should they go that takes into account the fairness for all parties? Imagine doing a fb59 and getting one mold drop from each boss. The molds are set to random and…
See this is where the venos' argument's are misplaced. The only thing that archers have going for them is the fact they can deal good damage. We have no heal skill, 2 defense skills (one disappears after one shot 70+, the other only has 30% reduction), then a weak stun, a paralyze and 2 slow attacks. The rest of our skills…
Winged Pledge is a redundant skill for PvP (and PvE really). It's only use in PvP could be if a wizard teles on you... That would happen so rarely it's really not worth it. Better to stun and then kite a little if that happens. Stunning arrow is one of your most important skills in PvP. Level that bad boy up. I can't…
Sorry to bring up an old post, but this one just sucks... Archers have a very small increase in range compared to other ranged classes and without our crits we couldn't be called an effect DDer. (Compare an archers highest crit with another classes higher crit) Axe bms can spam stuns, the other bms not as much. But despite…
"Why do I keep healing myself?" (red-named tank)
Good catch, hope you reported it as well. EDIT: Don't mean to sound like a newb (which I am) but how do you get the health bars up?
wow wow wow... Archers don't get lucky when they crit, they're unlucky when they don't crit. Without our high(ish) crit rate, archers would be a useless class. We need the crit to do well in PvP. Your just clutching at straws and they're pretty bad ones too!
Don't quote me on this, but I believe it adds 40% to the damage your bow dealt in a shot. For instance if your Bow damage does in between 100 - 200. Then each hit will hit for a Bow damage of between those numbers. So if it hits for 120 it will add on 40% of 120 and if it hits for 180 then it will add 40% of 180. I say…
Veno's flesh ream is bugged in pk making that skill stupidly overpowered. Then there are cash shop pets, making the class sooo much better. Put it like this: The single best class in solo PvE is: Veno(by a long way, have you seen any other class that can solo TT?) The best class in PvP is: Veno with Nix. This has become so…
Correct, you need to trade in the rank 1 ring to get the rank 2... Are your sure your not wearing the ring or something? As otherwise it is all but impossible to get rid of.
Swiftwind decompose to: Souledge: Swiftwind Crossbow To craft the Spirit Breath, you need a Souledge: Swiftwind Crossbow The word souledge is just the decomposed form of the weapon. You should think of it as a mold. Meaning your correct
2 days ban for botting. In harshlands a high level player was caught and proven to be botting, he got a 2 day ban and that's it. I'd say the only let down with perfect world is the mods/admins
From the way your asking the question I presume you want the skill levelled for PvE. In PvE, archers don't use skills for damage, they use skills for the effects they give your opponent. You also have to take into account the mana/chi usage. If you look at it from this perspective frost arrow is better than aim low. You…
This first mistake low levelled people make is that they don't look at the skills for demon properly. You specifically mentioned the +4 meters. This is incorrect, if you look at the demon range for the skill winged blessing it's range is +12 meters. So the comparison is +2 meters for heaven vs +1% crit and +10% accuracy…