yeah that one
That's what I am afraid of.
Aww thanks anyways.b:surrender
Want to try my old outfit? Brown Helmsley Popper Whites Dragon Heels Should be easy enough lol
Anything besides the Fairy Dress you thinking of making?
9/10 Didnt like Squirtles Glasses much lol
Well considering I was only there for about 10 mins before I had to go to school (Australia ftw!) I noticed the major lag, well that cant really be helped much when there are a hell of a lot of players in the same area with a hell of a lot more animations from skills going on. I was not particulary impressed by the players…
Caught out! Pew Pew Pew!
Your GF is awesome cause she wanted you to die in PK? So that means... My friends must be awesome too! :D
Wizards. Clearly >_>
Animal Fur is used in low level tailoring for light armor. Rough fur is used for creating copper bars. The rest of the low mats are useless and should be sold to preseve inventory space.
Hmm... Photoshopping yourself on a Black Raptor? If your thinking about asking me I think ill pass O_o
WANT PWE should start making and selling these! b:laugh
Yeah, some people can be really annoying. For example, the players that want to duel you, today someone wanted to duel me and when I accepted he ran away, I couldnt attack him as he was gone, so instead, I walked away, he quickly returned and taunted me so I hammered him >=] Of course he whined and said was sore because I…