Lets get a few other fixes too please!!!!! Can we get a response to what is going on and a possible ETA of when this issue will be resolved or some sort news?
"Perfect World, where they fail to be consistent"
I try to Sasha but sometimes I fail and over look something! Edit: wow I'm so far behind, is Spoons even still around i miss him!?
lol your going to tell me that every1 allows the lowbies by.......oh oh oh ooopppssy you got in my AoE * you shouldn't have been so close, then you wouldn't have died! Wait there are mobs in the fray that are needed for a quest. Granted the quests in this game are totally not needed for the characters progression. Yes you…
ok so I have heard and read that some of the people want a different instance but one with no safe zone. Well the instance should have a safe zone or all the big CS guilds will camp the spawn point and no one will be able to experience PVP. Oh wait this is a PVE server!? IF YOU WANT TO PVP, GO TO A PVP SERVER! IF YOU DONT…
HMMMMM heres a poll and also the people have spoke about Cave of Sadistic Glee!!!!!b:chuckle I personally find the name fitting!
they did not fix the glitch but they did nerf the XP the Goons give!