A private server with 5 players equally geared determines the balance. /facepalm I'll lurk these forums again in about 3-4 months if people still play this by then.
Truth, people were serious yeah,... a year ago lawl xD Woot i see my first post on RT forums here. Good times and some old names as well ;o
Lol Wolfgore, he was like the first claw barb on HT. Not sure he was skilled tho since he could just rely on his gear.
You all sak k men????? Talking about BeingHope, YOUR FAMOUS!. On the server i play on now, when people are gonna insult someone they call him BeingHope. No lie.b:cute R8 is the craze now? Aww kew kew how sad. There is a very simple option to be freed from that. Quit.b:bye
[QUOTE=/ es - Heavens Tear;10857222]so whos that red named sin with a warsoul i keep seeing running around[/QUOTE] Anyone can be red, killing lowbies doesnt count as "pk" I such a big carebear that i was could get red name in less than 2 hours. But instead he spends 3/4 of his day in archo and not even in Cat shop lols.…
The sin with warsoul doesn't even pk lol
Who needs 4.0 int bms when u have this b:shutup lol joke :P
Random question from out of no where : Does fail Suntear still play? was fun pwning his *** without CSing :) Miss those days.
And how is that turning out for him IRL?b:chuckle
Fish look better like thatb:avoid
Its the same amount of chance, it just hits harder but with the same amount of hp taken as the S.S EDIT: just checked calc, ur right it has higher proc. CrimsonX told me it just hitted harder xD
Doesnt that dude have something better to do like.. work?b:shutup
The moar hatred the better xD Where i play now everyone hates me ( specially all the arcanes which are 1 hits ) xD Theres people who QQ even about stuns xD Their like " noob u need stuns to kill me go uninstall" Whats more fun than that? lol Also you can't see who's the better player in tw, you can in pvp/1v1 therefore pvp…
Your new and still you telling people that have been around for a good amount of time they are wrong? interesting.....
Its a joke we've been having since a long time ago lol Just fooling around. No wait, she really is a trolllb:cute
Reason i posted that paragraph is because i knew people would come out and reply to my thread " not everyone CS" which you didnt seem to understand. I also forgot to mention in my past post.... Sins already got their 3 spark removed from stealth. So they did listen to people. Now its just plain QQing. Something has been…
Funny how most of the people QQing are wizards also.( i did say most :) ) The devs arent perfect, no not even close. But they tried to come up with something people would like. They failed a bit, yes. But atleast they answered to peoples desire. There used to be a lot of "OP" things on pwi not just sins. A lot of them have…
- ijsb:shutup Doesnt mean much. But the fact is... Everyone wanted tideborns, a huge pile of threads showsthe pwi commuinty asking for that damn update and kept beggin and beggin. Now you have it. Deal with it. A lot of people wanted new classes and you know…
Truth!!! Iv always wondered, it says international yet they dont let people speak another language on WC and forums lol
I will buy all your tt90 parts. I will make an exchange between my characters soon and i will come up here to assure that i will buy them. I should have pretty much around 82.3mil and it is a pretty good amount. So i am sure we should both have a great deal. May we both prosper from this. not really
*We dont speak americano* Imagine that song, and at the same time playing in a full pvp server rofl funny as hell xD
This^ Also if you look at stats, you can see the difference. She has 300+ str and he has 222 i think. That would be another explanation.
I'll speak up as a proud non factor that i am NPCnews is sux!!! tw reports are a BeingHope thread disguised b:shutup
Well the majority says different. Therefore, i am forced to say your opinion does not matter anymore as you are the one with the most votes, Hope o.ob:shocked
I wish my friends from school were playing here. That would really make me come back xD To a pvp server problably tho lol.
You didnt understand my last post i take it? as always. Anyways, we just fooling around. You have nothing to prove to us unless ur really that insecure of urself o.o Have some fun yo.
No IPs, no Facts, no screenshots. As long as he has part of the name of the greatest troll in RT history, he will be your alt. Thats cool tho right?b:victory
Ever heard of sarcasm? IJSb:shutup
o noes!! now Hope is gonna spank hope jr. OMG OMG AFF
No i dun need to post on no name alts, unlike other people. But how does it feel to be said the same thing about how no one gives a ****? cute huh? b:cute