I was stupid enough not to SS it, but there is at least 1 Warsoul now on HL. If there are more than that one I don't know of it.
That's not it at all. It's not just the gold price or the charm price. It's the ease of which people can gain endgame gear without having to do anything to get it. It isn't fair to the people that can't charge, and it isn't fair to anyone that actually made the effort to gain these things for themselves. The charms make it…
This is not what I call progress. Progress should benefit everyone. Not just the people with mom or dad's credit card, or those with far to much extra money to spend on a game. And just so you know, half the things you say I don't understand. Maybe word it differently or something because some of it seems jumbled in that…
Amehlea - Sanctuary Hi guys i though i post something up here quick to explain a few things that many of you have been blind to noticed so here goes. the devs are giving us amazing stuff they keep showering us with goodies. yet many aren't happy and others are. Goodies no one should be getting. GG Shouldnt we all accept a…
They're hiding.
I didn't SS but between like 2-3 AM PST someone got a Warsoul on HL.
QQ I didn't SS the warsoul someone got on HL today from CSing all the mats for it.
A 7x obtating a 9x weapon does not immediately result in the 7x selling said 9x weapon. This event was created to make money for a business, not to help anyone. You don't understand how the gold system works in PWI apparently. The demand does not influence the price. The percentage is far to low for that. t's the supply…
Those never should come into circulation the way it could. These mats are supposed to be difficult to obtain. Not just CSed into existence. I don't know how many times some one has said this same thing, but it doesn't change. No matter what someone WILL buy gold for the sell price, thus those prices stay as they are during…
This isn't just about the gold price in AH. Take out the gold price factor and think. People are paying real money to get end-game gear instead of working for it like other people had to, and even then there were few of some of those items. People are getting G11/G12 shards which should take more effort to get as well, but…
They should become zombies. b:quiet
This isn't Neopets. Comparing it to Neopets results in fail of epic proportions.
Gold price is less of an issue than the event in its entirety.
I'm not impressed with this update, and am highly disappointed they even did this. I don't think they saw just how much something like this could actually ruin a game. Someone also obtained a Warsoul. BigDin I think, or something like that. I forget. Some kylin ep.
Bitter you're hoping for to much. b:sad
They may not be able to get that happy medium though now.
b:sleep 10chars
b:bye 10chars
b:laugh Ahahahahaha.
You make me lol. b:chuckle
That would unbalance other aspects of the game if the devs implemented something like that. More people would complain that Venomancers are more over powered than they already complain that we are.
b:angry You nub. Get a GPS!
If they weren't I'd be surprised. Aside from the blue names that come to tame the lowbie ones, white names do show up for those spawns. The first cub I actually bought for 130k from the auction house. The second one I got after the weekly maintenance, and there were three or four other white names there besides me along…
I believe he said opinions. Not truths about him.
Making stupid assumptions is bad for your health. You might want to get that checked before you make yourself look like more of an idiot than you already did with one post. I am not one of those people that knows the exact spawn time of the rare pet I want to obtain. In fact I rarely even try to get them at all because I…
No, Aurian. No. It's Candyland. Not Lalalalaland, or however many la's you threw into that. b:victory
Lulu's gonna PK you now. b:victory
Absolutely not. It's already annoying enough as it is with the 12 hour spawn. A random time would just make obtaining them even more of a hassle.
Even with people whose first language clearly isn't English I could understand what they wrote. That... I just don't know. b:surrender
Can I be Echo to? b:cute