You need a total of 90 days to get the level 90 ring. 1. Ring = 30 Sheets 2. Ring = 1. Ring + 30 Sheets 3. Ring = 2. Ring + 30 Sheets You cant trade either the sheets nor the rings. But you can refine the 2nd and 3rd ring.
Some skills, like Leaf Dance, dont show there effect in the Character Screen. You can see it at the little blue-white-symbol at your buffs. When you hover over it, it says "Critical Rate increased". In the character window it won't be shown (same goes for the critrate effect of Power Dash for the Sins). Greetz Senaira
Waiiiii, a SS with me on the first page, thanks buddy/honey.
Well, I've been in Infamy now since the very first seconds of his life. Most of the points, how we started, were already stated. We didnt saw only the quantity, more we wanted quality and yet, we got both. Many members with many different skills. But, what we have the most is, people that know how this game works. Sure,…
Woot?? Bloodpaint 5%?? No potusing anymore...yeah go ahead, this is awesome XD God please, dont do this. Just some numbers. Level 43 Mold Dagger (yeah still no TT Dagger) + Slipstream level 10 + 2 Spark Burst + being a weird safty build with 50 base vit = 10k Crits on Mobs. 2% of this means 200 HP back. Another number.…
Already done :D