Seline - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • What about ground mounts? im not really interested in the flying ones. BESIDES horses, are the other ground mounts available to the Elves? *ex- the Chinese lion-looking mounts* b:sad
  • lolz World of Warcraft much new unique races plz.
  • seems like the game will be less difficult but more enjoyable. I AGREE. (with the very first, looooong post pg 1) *especially lower prices, all mounts available to all races, and new races* even WoW lowered thier mount prices.b:victory
  • i appreciate the feedback, but i hope you weren't using sarcasm. (i have no interest in flying ponies.) i havent played as much, or long as a lvl. 40, and have yet to see a Elf with any mount, just wings. maybe because the horses are pricey? Venos could train Colts and sell them to other races, but ive seen alot of Veno…
  • If we could get enough supporters im sure this could happen ^_^ b:dirtyb:laughb:victory
  • To sephy287: appologies!!, i dont want to sound like i was ripping you off b:shutup i just NOW saw your post about merpeople. needless to say thats the first thing that came to my mind when i read this thread too lol so yay! im not the only nerd lol *FULLY AGREED* ps-- uh, now to think about it i see those manta rays…
  • The Aquarites- available to both Male and Female. A race based around a mer-people simply. (1)Their home, located in the largest body of water in Pangu, an elegant palace, or treacherous cave-like dwelling. (2)Gills and lungs, they are anphibian, capable to live and move comfortably on land and in water. Sort of like the…