So would I get the dq points I spent back or will it send the item once it's back up?
could we get an update frankie? b:thanks
"can I have a cookie?" o.o
would a pigmy giraffe count?
if you read the item description it says you cant take the quests from him till your lvl 81 b:surrender
can add that anything the fluffy tailed fox veno's wear glitches for other ppl on another note its rather breezy down there too b:shy
lol my bad attempt b:surrender
maybe for eden\brim put a wandering boss? lol
looks like they have different quality settings for the game same thing happens with brilliant plumes too
unfortunately only coredash, illusion namen and deathflow can be tanked by a herc anymore b:surrender
Purify Pet Range: 25m Mana: 150 Channeling: 1 sec Cast: 1 sec Cooldown: 10 secs Class: Venomancer Remove any status ailment from your summoned pet. 25 chi always wanted something like this lol
no feeding the trolls pls b:thanks and my guess will be the 15th or the 22nd