Sealed - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • what a laggy battle..... ~got someone targeted --> cast skill --> 5secs later --> "Skill interrupted"... Target's already disappear~ wth b:surrender
  • Our group was able to get to 5th village, and got stuck at boss - Genesiac Blink. This tower simply can just one hit anyone, even a barb.... As an archer, I could to take its HP down to nearly 50% but then boom... 1-hit dead and boss reset b:surrender . I thought of 2 more ways to kill this boss, but still need to discuss…
  • @anima I'm quite uncleared about this attk lvl that warsoul weapons have. Could you please explain a bit for me? like dose it increase weapon attk by percentage, base damage or anything else? Thanks alot b:thanks