Blinding blaze is pretty worth it imo. I use it both in NW and in TW pretty much all the time for high-priority targets, and the 1-spark cost isn't much of anything.
Dayum, I do see something about the pyro/water/stone shields. Dafuq haha. If that's true, there's gonna be so much rage xDD
There's a similar thread for bm's under their subforums...otherwise I'd have thought u were mad trolling. I still think you are, but now I'm 1% less certain o_o...
Psh you haven't killed me once in nw gecko ;o.
Hm, well I think I'll clarify. It is true that garnet shards are best when you have next to no pdef, but if you look at Asterelle's calc, changing the pdef doesn't change the added survivability by adding garnet shards. What does change is the added survivability from vit/citrine/josd shards, and at a certain pdef, those…
Unless you are using a class that has a special pdef buff (i.e. wiz and mystic), I would go citrines. Garnets only beat citrines in terms of survivability when you have a higher pdef modifier.
@ Brilliance I agree that mystics aren't just healbots. There's a lot of cc and debuffs attached to mystic skills, which doesn't require magic attack to pull off effectively (like plants, or using the seals/freezes from skills) to create the chaos that you're talking about. The one downside is pretty much just damage and…
Yeah that would have been my response xD. Do you think that having the extra pdef and hp would be worthwhile for a support role? I used Asterelle's survivabilty calculator, and the results I got were this: Typical arcane +10 build approx…
Well, I did give a specific role for this build, unlike many. So I would think there are arguments for it for you to at least respond to. For instance, you could say, "sure, the pdef and hp are higher, but your mag attack is stupidly low and can't heal a cat barb sufficiently" etc etc, rather than just be like "I don't…
Yep. I could have posted an HA build for a cleric or something, but the main reasons I posted it for a mystic have been outlined by Burnout. Mystics have a lot of CC and debuffs that don't necessarily rely on mag attack, and the amount I achieved in the build (can be even high with +11 or +12) is definitely enough to heal…
Would be nice to have an option to set the base refine, like at +5 to test going to +6 without having to go back to +5 from +0. Not sure if I am being dumb and missed this feature if it's there.
I agree that demon is prolly better for lower geared wizards. Not saying that demon is bad with good gear, but one of the biggest reasons i chose sage was for the 5% damage boost in masteries. This is NOT the same as DoT's, which do not scale. This damage boost with full r9's attack lvls is thus very significant.
20 dex = 1 crit. Getting flat crit is often much better than collecting random dex points.
I'd prefer not to run around with a giant flower as a wep. Sandy world just looks amazing, on the other hand.
I, myself, have been thinking/wondering about this comparison. I'm in the same situation as you, although I'm a bit farther along in r9. Just missing the belt/top. I haven't finished thinking it over, but here are some initial thoughts. To get the full set bonus, for r9 you need the top, pants, boots, arms, wep, and belt…
Yall didn't even try. The wep could have a host of extra adds too.
Hard choice. I'd say +10 the wep, as you can +10 it for less than the price for 1 more armor piece (not even belt). I have 3 pieces of r9 + ring. Here's my calc. The shards are temporary
Depends. I got the wep from the last major rank sale, mainly because I didn't want to wait for another one, and I would save more if I bought the wep over the armor pieces, which are easier to acquire. I'm waiting for the next good ocean sale to refine my wep to +10, so I'm living with +6 for now. But without the sale…
For your info, Rebel, this is actually not correct. I compared the damage of my +10 r8 sword with my current r9 wep, which is now +6. When it was at +5, it just barely out-DD'd my r8 sword, and +6 has a slightly better output, but it's primarily thanks to the -10 chan that it racks up more damage in general. Being that +12…
Kite/poke em til shield wears off. Stay far enough so that gale force/bramble tornado cant hit you, but watch out for thicket (might want to spark resist it if you're not gonna use a genie). then sleep BT should work.
I'll be pretty quick in this answer... Sage = tw oriented, sage bids/sage masteries/chi skill really shine here Demon = pk oriented, due to greater control skills, lower chan skills. One perk thats good about demon in general is demon stone barrier. PvE = both will do fine This doesn't mean sage cant pk and that demon cant…
Any wizzies who sharded garnet have any comments? :x
They aren't as good.
Too lazy to respond to things that I've already addressed. Go look at my previous posts and re-read them.
I still like how you failed to provide even 1 sound response to my arguments, despite the fact that I'm not giving robe nonsense and working with an HA build. But w/e, I'ma leave this thread, not worth a discourse with idiots.
/10 char.... Also, this is an overprediction here, but I'd like to point out that I am not one of those guys who just dismiss HA casters willy nilly. So before you think about that argument, take the time to actually see that I've been analyzing a potentially good HA build.
/10 char
Answers in red. You didn't read some of my arguments.
Then he shouldn't be rolling HA cleric. Just being objective. Even putting in the money for lvl 11 gems won't make your survivability that much better than going AA and getting more bang for your buck in terms of healing power. If you're going to be a stickler against JOSD, then take them out and replace them with citrine…
Using saph gems as armor shards completely nullifies the advantage of being HA, if there is much benefit to it at all. Basically, you just get back to the same mdef and pdef as full AA but with aweful mag attack. ^- Only acceptable HA build imo. Also, the r8 recast should have all the def…