Saxira - Heavens Tear Arc User


  • and you will learn to hate water.... i feel so useless most times while i do water quests.... usually i have 1-2 deaths.b:sad what you must have in mind as you lvl (am a veteran wow hunter also) is to have ALWAYS with your land pets an air pet and try to have it close to your lvl Sad thing with the pets here is that higher…
  • at lvl 63 i have the petite sawfly and i prefer it over all the foxwings i have tried so far... It has low hp but it is small and it is much easier to handle it,unlike the foxwings and it does very good damage ... it may need more healing than the foxwings but we need them only for air mobs (pve thinking always)... if you…
  • i lvled the hex beetle till lvl 40 and i am very disappointed at the low damage that the beetle do... i prefer much more my frog as an alternative to my golem and lately frogs are much cheaper than before at Heavens Tear ,you can find them at 300-350k . So if you want something different than the golem and the kowlin go…
  • i am lvling a beetle now and will tell ya his stats when it reaches lvl 60+
  • Nothing wrong with playing a female character... Especially if they are good looking... And we do not have a choice if we want to play the veno class,don't we ?
  • i am only 38 so i dunno in later lvls but i just buyed a frog and it is great comparable to the antelope... it have 2938 phys.def and 3427 mag.def at lv 38 and 1173 hp,it is my best all around pet so far... i have stopped using my golem from lvl 28 because i had found better all around pets... i will keep the golem ofc and…
  • Hi, Char:Saxira Server:Heavens Tear i would want a Dodo Bear or a Frog (both rare and good pets for personal use)... Thanks in advance
  • Character Name: Saxira Character Race: Untamed Character Class: Venomancer Character Server: Heavens Tear
  • I tried for fun when i was lvl 23 with the help of a lvl 19 cleric... we did 40 mins and a lot of runs and we reached in the middle... Good thing was that i learned controlling my pet :D
  • Hi,this is my first message in the forums but i read them 2 weeks now. I have tried several classes and like the veno's much more !! To my questions now: I am lvl 30 now and the golem is my best pet so far ,i have tried many normal pets but till now no other pet can tank so good as the golem,but ... 1) the golem is slow…