LOL NICE PICTURE ITS F*** AWSOME LOLZ as for Ascii im sure he has just painted a big red KILL ME PLEASE sign on his body LMFAO SO BYE BYE Ascii LOL TAKE CARE NUB NUB ^_^
o.0 i just started on the server o.0 hense the question o.o
wait so whos darklotus and why do they matter?......seriously do they matter or is darklotus just another guild full of people from a PvE server who dont like geting their asses handed to again whos darklotus and why do they matter like honestly should we care about them and their posts?
nananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannana nananannanaBATGIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!b:laughb:laughb:chuckle SORRY ALL had to it was calling me telling me to do it blame the voices in ma head b:shocked