Sathain - Harshlands Arc User


  • LOL NICE PICTURE ITS F*** AWSOME LOLZ as for Ascii im sure he has just painted a big red KILL ME PLEASE sign on his body LMFAO SO BYE BYE Ascii LOL TAKE CARE NUB NUB ^_^
  • o.0 i just started on the server o.0 hense the question o.o
  • wait so whos darklotus and why do they matter?......seriously do they matter or is darklotus just another guild full of people from a PvE server who dont like geting their asses handed to again whos darklotus and why do they matter like honestly should we care about them and their posts?
  • nananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannananananannana nananannanaBATGIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!b:laughb:laughb:chuckle SORRY ALL had to it was calling me telling me to do it blame the voices in ma head b:shocked