At 180+Million, it's kind of hard to justify that kind of in-game coin. A herc is epic. But it's lacking the ability to REALLY hold aggro. I can pull aggro off a Herc on my archer, quite easily. And if I have aggro on my archer, a herc isn't going to pull it off me. A Barb, on the other hand, has skills to reset aggro, and…
Swords are fantastic. I got them to goof around with. But, you know, from goofing around with them, I kinda like them. The knockback is useless 99% of the time. I'm sure you could build a combo of Knockback/Genie Seal around it to get out of scary "OH ****" situations, but... Only time I use it is if there's a Barb running…
I play because I have nothing else to do. Though, with my friends getting more and more busy, I may spend more of my time elsewhere. And if a DLC comes out for another game I play, I may go to that for a while.
You're playing the wrong class. b:bye