well blaze arrow is good for killing BM's with melee weapons lack of their low magic defence (adds 40% damage in fire damage) :)
if u really want to kill a sin very easily but it's not too cheap, get AD and iron guards / tranq orbs demon spark (use tranq orb after demon spark does not stack) and go fists on them, and whola! u killed a sin :D (if u think this is a stupid tatic, just rember as a archer your squishy) :) so if the sin demon sparks ur…
you should use some kind of immunity skill. (i personaly use my Demon spark and genie skill: Abslte domain and iron guard / tranq orbs) then i just go fists and fist them to the stone age :D, so ya it's not too hard, well actualy depends lol.
ahh well ill just send my sin after him >.>
hmmm im thinkning of joining calamity when i hit 80 Tyranny is the leader right lol if u know BimBom tell him to PM me ^^
u should try a wizzy wearing heavy armor and switch back to mage armor if a cleric or outher wizzy comes i hate em! there not cool :P
ARCHERS own XD 1 shot KO! to a wizzy's can not win to archers 10+ well archers do kill many mage classes in 1 shot or 2. adv spark+deadly shot level 6= quick kill and a mad mage XD