Silly pwi I wonder what they did to mess things up this time
Soon FrankieRay will come with a lie about this being by popular demand and not an attempt by pwi to take out a way for free to play players to make money. Of course it would be stupid of them to sell fairy boxes but it is something simular wich is a slap in the face of those who used to farm fairy boxes to try and keep up…
pwi got a lot of potential but sadly people like FrankieRaye is holding the game down making it very frustrating to play. I would not recommend anyone to play it anymore so i gave it a 1 star rating.
They are to busy playing other games. Maybe some MMO with GMs that care about the playerbase. They should tell us about those games.
I can just see the meeting they had when they decided on this. "everyone loves mirages! we should make the players able to buy them." "Yes that is a great idea but there are already so many ways for them to get mirages." "Good point. Hey what if we removed Fairy boxes from solo TTs? I am sure the players would be much…
My experience is that even at end game very few want to PK. Sure about 20% might do TW from time to time but outside of TW it is close to 5%.
The answers seems quite simple. PVP servers got few players. PVE servers got more players. Therefor it makes sense to make new PVE servers as they get some players while a new PVP server would hardly get any players at all.
This thread is the first time i have noticed Sylen. Many things he have said are true and it is possible that it sometimes make things happen in pwi. But pwi got big problems and Sylen dismisses them completly. Eatwithspoon or whatever name that old GM used before he was moved to another pwe game talked about it at times.…
From what i can understand PWI staff is basing their whole customer service on cyber bullying and extortion. (buy zen or we will harass you forever).
Dont forget that Sylen used to build computers before the 286 mhz computers hit that market
I find it funny how Sylen can know so much but still fail at basic understanding at other things. Its like cause he would do things one way he cant understand how others can do it another way and that there can be problems. It makes me feel sorry for Sylen
They have changed my password 3 times without letting me know about it. Getting really tired about it. They also banned me with that random ban they keep handing out saying my account was logged from a banned region. They said an evil network had gotten control of my account but it was a lie from the person at customer…
Try removing the game and reinstall it
north american servers are just fine I cant log on to european servers though
Yeah it seems like all they do is give empty promises. Sometimes by chance someone pulls through for frankieraye but usually not. I dont get him.
Was it FrankieRaye that was in charge of giving the answers for PWI?
well the people selling still need too buy Zen in order to get the gold and items so what do pwi care? it is money for them. Maybe it is even PWI who are behind this scam to try and make more money.
Had someone steal TT mats on german server yesterday. And yes it was someone level 100+ so the power level theory sounds accurate at least in that case.
scroll to the top of this page locate a flag that is half english and half american hoover mouse over it and click the language of your choice you are now on the forum for this language
Just make sure you dont put any more money into the game. Doing that would be rewarding them for **** you over.
I am glad that the community taking it upon themself to contact the chinese version of the game had effect and we managed to bypass frankieraye to get this change. Nice job everyone!
I dont like PK so why should i go there in the first place? Same as with most other people. They wouldnt go there in the first place hence the argument was flawed.
I am sorry you got tricked by PWI in spending so much money on an item. At least now you know not to trust PWI.
Seeing as the biggest majority of players in this game dont do pk i dont see the point of what you are trying to say.
PVE generates more players and the two PVE servers barely got players so i dont see the point in making a PVP server as it would hold an even smaller population. Maybe in a few months they will dare to try it but i dont think it will succed if they do.
PWI stole my account again. Second time in a week Lucky enough i managed to get it back using forgot id. Please PWI stop stealing my account. It is making me feel very unsafe that you do this over and over and each time without even notifying me in email. Would love to talk to you in some way so we can clear your mistakes…
The only point i understood was that people are different. Some leave and some try to make a change. For themself or the game in general. I dont understand your other points though. I dont see how they relate to the problem at hand here. Personally i think the change damage the game in the long run. It is good to have a pk…
If you didnt know the answer you can just say so
And why would you be allowed to ruin others fun? Please consider that your comment works two ways. Thank you
PWE/PWI is the first to ever **** my account too anywhere on the web Grats!