ah well.. maybe when i buy it, i'll get all black and can sell it to get any color i want...
they can make it exclusive to people who participated in this event. anyone who buys the pirate set after the event, they cant get this offer. seems fair, what with the anniversary mount being like that(Exclusive)
well i havent traded mine at all, and the records can show that... plus, my colors arent even mainstream colors that can be acquired normally.
granted the applications of a herc do make it superior to most other pets, it certainly doesnt make a veno useless not to have one. hell, fro m1-68 i didnt have one. and i didnt really start to use it until 80. by then, though, i had enough to get a Phoenix, too. fun part is, i didnt spend a single penny of real world…
i'm kinda double-edged on it. on the one side, the near 3m i spent on Ulti subs only 2 days ago is a big loss... on the other, now i can get the remaining immaculate citrines i wanted for cheaper. though, i really wish gold had gone down more >> small edit: ah darn, thought i had first. well, 3rd is ok too. after all, 3rd…
i was proposing a possible option the NPC could get, but thank you for the info Kal.
when it was installed, it would basically mean all you had to do was get one of the books as a drop or something, and you'd have the other. obviously, prices in the AH would jump for both books... not like it would make getting certain skills any easier, in the end.
aw... i hope thats not all it was... there should be a trade function. small fee with it, maybe. that would be great...
wow, not a single reply? come on, this is a serious question!
fair or not, im still SOL.
non-tradable... thats fantastic...
well, if anyone doesnt want there's i'd be happy to take it. I liked the original Hell Hound, but this guy rocks.
it looks like you will be getting one, since you registered in Sep 08
i'd say every character on Dreamweaver isnt getting one at all.
meant to post with this character selected :P
Damage is still calculated using 50% of your maximum HP. its just that the COST of HP is reduced to 35%. rather simple, really, and I;m not even a Barb. just simple logic.
ohhhhh right... someone mentioned that "something bad happens if you dont kill everything" i thought it was only for the thing with the bottle on its back.
well, I'm an 83 Veno, and i have both Hercules and Phoenix, acquired on my own(with small donations from my friends) with no real money used. i havent bought up-to-date armor all the time, havent imbued, havent refined, and barely leveled any skills except Venomous, and Ironwood scarabs. never use Fox form, and am an…
because half the players say it does increase speed....
I left FlyFF because of Nerfs. i cant stand little crybabys that complain about the overpower of a Nix. yes, I have one, so what? I dont PvP. but if they nerf the Nix, i still feel the burn, because I use one. just think about what you;re doing. Nix isnt the best defender, you can kill it before it kills you if you're…
well *sigh* buy my Nien!
hey.. i remember you... Tearvalerin.. you were the one saying anyone with the name Fox, or Veno, or anythign else related in their name for a venomancer was a **** or **** or something... thats not nice.
now all we need is the twin-headed dragon... then all will be magnificent!
i LOVE the battlecat. I plan on getting rid of my Nien for it. hell, depending on the price of the battlecat, I may even trade it as-is.
yeah, Cloud Dancer Pterosaur would rock... especially if it came with a fireball attack. it would seriously be a Dragon, then... like a miniature Jewel... Feligars, they seem like fun... those hexocelots, as well. chucking rocks at everything... or how about one of those big Phoenixes in burning heart? the little baby ones…
I tried PrtSc many times... but i didnt know CTRL+PrtSc. in any case... wow! you got them high-res, AND without a loading bar! thanks so much!
thank you, but i dont want those images. i want the artist renderings.. the ones you see on the loading screens.
the kin likes to refer to himself in the 3rd person, yes he does :P no, prinscreen didnt work... i tried that ingame, and it would never save the right image into the screenshot folder.... quite unfair...
kinda like... if you lure using a low level unit in FBs, they're likely to drop more items.