SaintDraq - Harshlands Arc User


  • first char was a bm,whose stats i messed up,then started another bm,grew him as pure axe bm (old school) this was before aps started to be so popular,nirvanas wasnt even implemented. then at lvl 7x i dropped bm cause noticed barbs are the most needed in squads along with clerics in bh squads,so i rerolled as barb,got him…
  • tnx darthpanda,i see my suggestion about the internet provider was correct. Anyway,a few hours ago worked fine @me,don`t know if the others had problems. Tnx for the support again :)
  • it happens to me too,and i`m playing since january when i`ve done some maintenance to my comp,with no problems. I think the servers are the problem. Maybe the ping ingame is too big and kicks us out? I`m guessing the internet provider is the problem in that case :/