I wouldn't even beat up an enemy I had in real life unless there was a damn good reason. I don't know many people I could consider enemies, anyway. I'd most likely laugh about it, invite him out for lunch, and we'd end up being friends by the end of the day.
Personally, I like the Lion barbs the most. The Tigers' fur is nice, but something is off about their faces. The Panda looks strange in general, and the Wolf has this weird, unpleasant grin. I know Lion barbs do not have the most beautiful fur color, but they have the nicest character model and there is some really…
I'm sort of newb, but I've played each to at least 20, most of them to 30 or above. I understand that this is only a taste of what is yet to come, but I feel that if I do not enjoy a certain class by level 30, I probably will not enjoy it further on. Classes are listed from most favorite to least. Archer - My current main.…
Such lovely characters. :3 I recently made a switch from the Raging Tide server to the Harshlands server, and here is my main - Saida. I tried to make her look as much like me as possible. I couldn't get the face shape just right, but my boyfriend recognized the "me" in my character right away. :D I also made a Venomancer…