so well i know im not high up like TigerLily but i have to disagree with the veno... sure u can have pets but there is like no tactic in fighting with a veno plus then u have to think hard of ur type of veno... full magic personaly i think suck in PvP but idk its all on ur prefreance.... (all classes fly at lvl 30 btw)
my sig says it all
there is absolutly no way to get the easy way out just work hard and make sure u do ur quests
thatd work too good idea ^.~
"heal u? who me?" like seriously DUH wouldnt wisp u if not
well its not rules but if u make urs like alot lower u can mess up the currancy so i can see where shes comming from but me personaly i walways drop my prices by about 15%
me to the marrage is so expensive its like what 30 bucks for each bride and groom and what if ur wife makes a new character then its another 60 there should be a little more divercity there i like the whole embrassing and kissing think but dating would be awsome
the currancy is different on each server like Dreamweaver is most expencive cause not alot of ppl are on it so its not common u know?