SaAngreal - Sanctuary Arc User


  • And why is it now you are forcing this position on me? if you honestly believe your a generous or even courteous person than try reading your posts again. I think you need to drop this thread since you haven't added a single new thing to this discussion. If you have something new and intellectually stimulating, great. You…
  • Well since it is obviously a sin for me to have an opinion of my own, why don't you stop posting here since you have only one opinion and it has been shown through the numerous posts you made. I can see that your self righteous, and can only begin to wonder why you would actually want to res someone. Seriously, if you were…
  • Yes, people die in the game, and realy it should not be a problem to get a res, but be polite abut it, don't Demand it simply because its possible. you cannot tell me that you don't grow weary of people who whine about dieing and expect the nearest cleric to res them. Between clerics doesn't seam unreasonable. I think that…
  • Great, yes, the cleric is the only class that can Rez, and the venos are the only class that can capture pets. Does that mean they are expected to spend their time giving paby pets to people for free? No, unique talents are no reason for you to EXPECT people to give time and efort to do something. I seriously want to hear…
  • Well i sure would like a res by her. Unfortunately her, and many other clerics are always called away while i party with them to res some person who for some reason can't find their own cleric to party with. Its obvious i think, as i have never played a Cleric, that they must be able to solo all the time and need no help…